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Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 7:28 am
by LAMO003
Is it just me or do owners spot the deliberate misinformation.
We are now coming to the end of our budget year 23/24 and yet we are supplied information on 74 members between July and September 2023 which is a 3 month period.
What about Oct 23- June 24- the other 9 months?

It is okay to say stabilised so does that mean we have managed to resell those 74 weeks and the 100 others expected or not?
In the absence once again of real information, I am concerned.

Come 1st July I reckon there will be a lot of owners wanting out due to the £60 levy and increased fees which together are over a £100 more than last year for a Highland lodge AND more 5 year deals coming to an end.
In my opinion we will need to have a call centre just to deal with the influx of additional calls!
We are also in a few days approaching the budget year 2024/25 and yet we talk about strong positions in 25/26. Why?
We have still to see last year's REAL accounts which will show redundancy payments etc as well as other financials.

Unfortunately, on the first reading of this newsletter, the figures and facts don't add up and once again there is a certain " let's be economical with" type scenario which doesn't sit easy.

On the positive side plenty advertising for both hotels and the introduction of the Italian menu at weekends and carry outs is great news for those owners who want to sit in the comfort of own lodges.


Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 7:01 pm
by THOM042
Unfortunately what you say is correct, Stuart.
Actual figures seem to be a thing of the past but now its all about percentages, graphs and PIE charts all of which can arguably be manipulated to make things look good.
The reality of LRHC ownership will soon come home to roost for all those who voted for a compulsory Leisure fee which affects all those who do not use the leisure facilities for their own reasons. I was there recently and did not use any facilities due to the filthy condition I found at the changing room and showers last year ( 2023) I have no desire to be in unhygienic conditions . My choice but I still have to pay a share for others to use the facilities. Is that remotely fair ? I think not. Also another one off levy is about to hit all owners adding to their cost.
On that very subject at the recent Zoom meeting which was held specifically for a vote on the issue of multiple week ownership, an owner entered the Zoom meeting and specifically asked about the growing cost to owners and that he would likely be returning his weeks to the club due to his disapproval of the “add ons” which he hadn’t voted for. Whilst I agree entirely agree with his sentiments, he should never have been allowed to state this at that meeting, the rules being that 1 question was allowed per owner and had to be relevant to the resolution at the meeting.
Indeed another owner was allowed more than 1 question, again inconsistent with the stated conduct of the meeting.
My recent visit to my lodge found that it was in a substandard state despite the lodge having been refurbished only about 4 years ago.
I can confirm this with a series of photos if necessary


Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2024 9:42 am
by LAMO003
After reading the budget, comparing it to last year and also a comparison with the audited accounts of last year, I remain extremely concerned.

The increase for most will, in my opinion be unsustainable over the next 3 years if it continues without further cost cutting.
Our wages bill is still far too high for an establishment which has no restaurant or licensed facilities.


Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2024 10:26 pm
by ROBE007
During my recent visit I discovered Agency Staff were being used to Service H/L; Apts; etc which makes absolutely no sense given the Housekeeping Supervisor was apparently made redundant but does clarifies some of the Housekeeping costs!

There was an obvious deterioration of Furnishings, and of items that were considered 'standard equipment' before and even after Covid shut down, but have in past two years disappeared. With no Inventory taken before and after guests leave any amount of things can just 'disappear'. Reception Staff do not offer a Feed Back Form for Owners to complete at end of stay, nor do they enquire if 'You had an enjoyable stay?' as most places do.

This utter nonsense of allowing guests to bring as many dogs with them as they want is ludicrous! I witnessed a guest/owner(?) With THREE dogs and another couple with THREE dogs between them all screeching and yapping, the noise this year of dogs was unacceptable so much so we left early! It's one thing an Owner bringing the Family's Pet, but only ONE dog, and Renters should be barred from bringing any Pets! Our pull down bed in the sitting room area was once again covered in Dog Hair!

Why should I pay in excess of £700 Fees for a H/L that is no longer a comfortable or desirable place I want to stay for a full week in? It's no longer a peaceful; stress free environment, but is more like CRUFTS!


Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 7:01 am
by LAMO003
As said on a previous post on this thread there appears to be a moto of " let's be economical with the".
The owners will not be fooled for too long.

Regards dogs- I have one and it will be with me when I'm there.
The good thing about my dog is it is hypoallergenic, but that doesn't mean we don't bring all of his necessary stuff to ensure that the next occupier is not impacted.
We always have a stairgate and bring a bed for them.

Unfortunately what you have said I cannot disagree, but the issue comes down to owners and the multitude of renters. They have to show RESPECT.
Not just to the other occupiers not just to the landscape, but more importantly, to the property.