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Does anyone from the committee ever read or reply to these postings?

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 9:36 am
by FORS002
i regularly log in to read the forum and find many of the suggestions from members useful, and their queries valid. but i feel frustrated that there seems to be no replies/ comments from the GM or the committee. Questions about sales, accounts etc Does anyone read what is written? if not, what is the point of the forum?

Re: Does anyone from the committee ever read or reply to these postings?

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:21 am
by LAMO003

I agree with you on your points.

I do believe committee theirselves have to be careful as to not opinionate answers which happened constantly under previous stewardship, but the GM should answer simple questions such as sales figures etc. Don't see that as an issue!

The forum helps to keep a record on issues especially after events in the last few years when we had a chair who in my opinion ran the club as their own private club with his followers and deceived owners which resulted in the problems we have had in last few years,and others who became deluded by the position on committee.

Re: Does anyone from the committee ever read or reply to these postings?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 11:56 am
by HIRS003
Simple answer is yes to posts being read.

As LAMO suggests we try not to give biased answers to questions but where its simply about facts then often we do.


Re: Does anyone from the committee ever read or reply to these postings?

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 9:57 am
by ATKI004
Good morning to everyone, even if it is drizzling and gloomy here!
It's great to hear that the Committee Members and GM read our Posts, but are any of our suggestions ever debated by the Committee and GM? This Committee is really beginning to move things forward and we thank you for this e.g. Refurbishments and Communication, but what about some of the other suggestions made by Lodge Owners? As a minority of Lodge Owners contribute to this Forum, could some be published in the Newsletters with Committee/General Manager responses? Thank you.