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Swimming pool use

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 11:06 am
by HOUS007
Hi all. We are up at Rannoch for week 22 and just wondered what the position is re use of the pool/sauna etc... Do you have to book a slot, is it difficult to get a slot, how long are you allowed in there, can you use it as many times as you wish?
Thanks in advance

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 12:09 am
by ROBE007

Maybe you should contact the Hotel direct to ensure their Staffing level problems in regards to Leisure Services has improved as the rates of Covid has gone down.

Enjoy your holiday at Rannoch and do come back on the Forum here and give other Owners a review of the new Leisure Facilities now that they are up and running.

Ronnie Robertson

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 8:02 pm
by HOUS007
Hi Ronnie. Thanks for your reply, but apologies for the late response, i had already set off on my scottish trip when it came through. Here's a review of the pool, as you suggested.
When i checked in at Rannoch, i was given a credit card sized Leisure Membership card, with my lodge on it, and contact details for the leisure facilities. I was told that to book a slot in the spa i had to email them. The address on it is However, when i called in at the spa the notice on the desk gave the email address as The girl on the desk said to book a slot, i should email them, but i could call in anytime and chance it.
On monday morning, i emailed at 9am, asking for a slot at around 6pm that day, for the pool and the sauna (the steam room is currently out of order). I got a reply about 9.20am saying that as they close at 7pm, and they give 2 hour slots, they had booked me in for anytime from 5pm.
Yesterday, i emailed at 10.13am asking for the same slot, and got my reply at 11.14am. Good service in my opinion.
The pool was warm, not crowded, and the sauna was wonderful. Good changing rooms and showers. All neat and tidy as you would want.
One important point is that you have to take a towel with you, from your room, and you MUST not throw it in the towel bin, but bring it back with you. If it goes in the towel bin, it is lost to the Club. You can take your wet towel and exchange it at the laundry if you wish.
Long post, and only about the pool and sauna, but that's all i used. There seemed to be plenty of uptake on cycle hire, and canoe and paddleboards the last few days as the weather improved.
At the sunday welcome meeting, a guy from the leisure side of the hotel gave a rundown on what was available to club members.
So there you go, i'm shattered now, i think i need a spa session

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 11:55 pm
by ROBE007
Hi John

Thanks for that update on the pool, sounds good and look forward to using it. Weather forecast notes sunny weather at Rannoch, 21 degrees! I hope you are still on holiday and can enjoy it.
Well I do hope all the naesayers who were adamant that
a) Nick Pattie (Hotel owner) would never be able to refurbish the Hotel to a good standard. And
b) Owners would never gain access to the Pool/Leisure Facilities, are now prepared to admit they were wrong and apologise to the Committee and Nick Pattie for their lack of faith!
Ronnie Robertson

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 9:04 am
by ATKI004
Hi John and Ronnie, it's good to read your Posts (great practical info. John) and we echo your comments about the Hotel and Swimming Pool Ronnie. Certainly when we were there in September there were loads of people using the pool (we could see them passing our Lodge with towels, bouyancy aids etc). Let's hope that they all returned their wet towels to LRHC Laundry for replacement and didn't put them in the poolside box! Bye for now.

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 7:15 pm
by ROWL001
Just returned from LRHC today. Had a glorious week in our newly acquired HL41. Fantastic. Hope all the lodges get refurbished to this standard. I booked the pool weeks ago by email. I had it to myself each day between 2+4. I also booked a paddleboard lesson. Very cheap £20 which included their equipment, wet suit and tuition. Tom was excellent and did not rush our one hour lesson. I was given one and a half hours. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Hoping they improve the pool side ladies changing rooms and shower area. Neither were up to standard IMHO. This time I used the shower in the lodge instead.

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 8:33 am
by ORR001
Hi Ronnie,
You say the leisure facilities are excellent but for those that are unable or would not like to use them this is not so great. As a lodge owner why are we forced to pay for something we don't use. As a retired couple living on a pension we would rather spend that money towards a meal which WE would enjoy. Surely it sould be pay as you go at the hotel so those that want to use it enjoy it and those that don't want to use it can enjoy spending their money on what they enjoy......

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:09 pm
by ROBE007
Hi Orro,

I can't use most of the facilities either, but know that having access to it adds value to my Lodge. I think, Nick Pattie, the owner of the Hotel thought a 'Pay as you go' option didn't suit him, I've no idea why, I'm not on the Committee, but assume it just wasn't a viable option, as to whether a Club owner used the facilities or not Nick Pattie still has to retain additional staffing levels (if one can get staff willing to work in rural Scotland).
Nick Pattie's a decent fellow, owners should NOT get him confused with McDonald's lot, but he is a business man who has invested millions refurbishing the Hotel and rebuilding the various Activitie Areas, so he is obviously looking for returns from both Hotel guests and LRHC owners for the delightful ambiance he has created right on our doorstep and the opportunity to use not just the activities but also the two restaurants and the Brownie Pub, plus entertainment If so desired twice weekly. When I factored in the petrol cost driving out to seek various other Hotels for a meal particularly as Dunalister Hotel's restaurant use for guests only, a more viable option was using the Restaurants on our doorstep a few times a week. If you breakdown the activity charge its about the price of a cup of coffee per person per day.


Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:45 am
by ATKI004
I agree with you Ronnie: even if you're unable to access some of the facilities, it impacts positively on the value and appeal of our Lodges. £30 is a small price to pay to be able to use restaurants/bar/pool/spa/sport activities/water sports and a meeting room for the club, all within our Resort. Big thanks to the Committee and Nick Pattie for agreeing this.

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 8:02 pm
by LAMO003
I have watched so many people of different generations enjoying facilities that were sadly missing for so many years.
I have not used myself nor intend to this week, but to see the joy on the kids faces remind me of what I experienced when I was younger as did my own son, but so did my parents as they enjoyed their children and grandchildren having a great time.

To have access to a pool, a gym with more up to date equipment than the previous one, the climbing wall, the spa and all the other facilities is just fantastic to see and a throwback to yesteryear,but updated.

Right now there is entertainment in the hotel which is pretty full with patrons listening and enjoying their food. This has not been seen in years.

To reitterate what has been said on previous posts this, in my opinion, adds value to what our lodges will be worth and creates a product you will want to have.
It was an opportunity one could not take up and creates an exciting future.

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 10:22 am
by WADD003
I don't think any member is arguing about the desirability to have these facilities. Just the method of financing them. Later on in the year, you can tell us how many winter visitors use the pool!!

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 7:19 pm
by ORR001
Mr Nick Pattie says its too much of an expenditure to run a PAYG for the swimming pool/climbing wall/gym but they somehow manage it with the watersports at the marina.You still have to book in at the hotel for a session at the pool so why can't they take the money the same as when you book a session at the marina...

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 7:32 pm
by WADD003
The hotel doesn't need to be involved. I have no expertise on this kind of thing but I can see a way forward and it cannot be beyond the wit of our management to find the solution IF THE DESIRE IS THERE!!!. Brewery. Organise. P..s up. couldn't?????

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 11:25 pm
by ROBE007
On reflection, I think anyone having a winter week at Rannoch may in fact make more use of the Hotel facilities than on a summer week. It would certainly be cheaper Electricity cost wise sitting in the Sauna or Steam room heating up in the winter; relaxing with a book by the pool or even having your daily shower within the Spa area of you really want to cut electricity costs down. In the evening no need to switch on the Lodge heating for hours, just relax on a cold winter's night in the Hotel Bar or Hotel Sitting Room in front of a Log fire playing a game of Chess; reading; enjoying a fine Malt rather than heating up a Lodge. I might even book myself a little winter break this year at Rannoch!

Sorry Wadd you have lost me in your thinking! The Hotel; Spa Area and Activities act are all privately owned, our Club pays to access them. Like most Hotel's, some activities are free whilst guests pay for the hire of certain equipment like bikes; water equipment etc. You could of course being your own water equipment or bike to reduce costs.
No Brewery is involved in the ownership or running of the Hotel or of our Club.

Hi Orr,
If you spend any time in the Hotel you will see Nick Pattie working hard to ensure all the hotel Residents and others making use of the Restaurants/Pub are being attended to and, no doubt if he's not got his hands full balancing someone's meals or drinks, he would answer your queries about the costings of the Spa/activities - which work out at around the price of a daily Latte. Just be careful of 'unintended consequences' as he just might reflect that perhaps we are, afterall, getting things handed to us on a plate for a very reasonable sum of money and negotiate for more money.


Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 9:36 am
by CARR009
The £30 cost for the use of the swimming pool is great value for my family of 4 (sometimes 6) to use. We used Perth pool on the way up and that was £16/17 for 2 hours. When up last week, I think we used the pool 4 days out of 7.

We never used the gym but that is also included in that £30 fee, so it is grat value or money in my opinion.

The climbing wall, basketball and squash court hire are all extras, but reasonably priced again in my opinion. £7 for an hour on the climbing wall and £10 per hour for the hire of the courts.

Watersports are also charged extra but are cheaper than the nearby Taymouth Marina. We have our own paddleboard and equipment so probably will never use this but good to have it available.

We would use the bike hire but they don't have childrens bikes available at the moment.

From speaking with the Hotel staff, they also have more activities in the pipeline that will only make our stays more enjoyable.

I do see the arguement, that owners who have no intention of using the pool/gym feeling annoyed about having to pay a fee, but I do think it is a small price to pay for being able to promote having these facilities available to future owners.

Last point - The hotel facilties are only available to owners, so if you rent out your week, then these renters cannot use the hotel faciliteis.

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 1:48 am
by MCLU001
I completely agree that use of the hotel facilities is a great asset to the club and owners. However I'm surprised to read that our renters wont be able to use the facilities!

This is news to me although having been in hospital for almost ten months I may well have missed an email or update.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the situation but I don't understand why our guests staying in the same lodge as us can't use the pool etc. If the owner of the lodge has paid their £30 for that week, surely it doesn't matter who uses the pool? I also have friends coming up with us who are renting a secind lodge - so if the owner of that week has paid the £30 why can the people renting it not use facilities? I'm very unhappy about this because as far as i know it's never been included in the info sent to.owners? As i say I have been very ill so if I've missed it somewhere I'd appreciate a link.
I'm going to find it hard to explain to my friends that i can go for a swim but they can't!.

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 10:05 am
by CARR009
Tbh, the pool is unmanned most of the time so nobody would know anyway and your friends could just sign in under you lodge/apartment number.

We did book times to use the pool but got a reply from the hotel to say that as it wasn't busy to just turn up and use it.

As I said, I think the deal between the hotel/club needs some work.

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 10:43 pm
by ROBE007
Hi CARR009

I must have missed that email as well, as I've never heard that only owners can use the Hotel's facilities, in fact when we were at Rannoch there were both cyclists and motorbike riders using the restaurant and bar and later we watched each group go off on their merry way!
Could it possibly be that Renters are not allowed to use the Hotel's Activities like the spa etc? I agree that if an owner has paid their £30.00 and then chooses to rent out their Lodge, what's the difference who is using it, how would the Hotel know?

Perhaps the Hotel owner has concerns that some LRHC accommodation is being used for Airbnb and I can understand it from his perspective, it's in direct competition to his own business ie a HL sleeps 6 and the Club's charge for one night's Airbnb for 6 persons is what - £200? Whereas Hotel is losing out on 6 DB&B's.
Some owners raised their concerns about Units being used for Airbnb's directly with the GM at the Owners' Sunday meeting, both the additional monetary costs ie cleaning products; change of bedding each day; maintenance of white goods/furniture/fabrics etc plus the additional work/stress this is having on our already understaffed employees. Whilst the GM is obviously hoping these single overnight stays may stimulate visitors' interest in buying into the Club, the GM remained silent on saying exactly how many sales, if any, the Airbnb's had actually generated which is concerning. The additional concern was that some Airbnb renters had used the rented Lodges to hold Parties inviting additional guests who stayed overnight far exceeding the capacity of the HL and adding to the already heavy workload of staff who had to clear up the party debris. LRHC could soon be known as a cheap 'Party Venue' for Scotland's central belt if a close eye is not kept on this. So perhaps Airbnb's should NOT be used as a way of increasing revenue for the Club, as it might cost Owners more in the longer run. An honest debate on the pros and cons of Airbnbs plus a clear insight into the Sales generated figures amongst owners could be organised by the Committee.

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2022 8:14 am
by LAMO003
As far as I am aware, if it is an owner using their week or a renter/ friend of that week they have access to facilities, but if if a club owned week of which there is many that is not covered.
On arrival I received a leisure pass which I would assume is not given to renters of club owned lodges.

Re eating in hotel, like Ronnie I witnessed many people eating in hotel, not all staying in lodges or hotel.

I agree also re one night stays especially on the lack of sales and potential over occupancy.
The avoidance of facts and figures is disturbing and highlights a training issue and lack of belief which I believe has been addressed.
I would have expected a min of 50 sales over the busy summer period from club owned lodges with the expected number of renters.

Re: Swimming pool use

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 5:58 am
by CARR009
Hi Robe007,

I was informed of this at the welcome meeting. I've not seen an email with this information.

I think the non-use of the leisure facilities is aimed at guests who rent through a third party or direct with the club. I don't think it affects owners who rent out privately or let to friends/family.

I do get it from the hotel perspective that if a HL can be rented for £200 a night and accommodate 8 people plus get full leisure access, then it is outstanding value compared to staying at the hotel.