Breakdown and analysis of Sales Figures required in Monthly News Letter

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Posts: 164
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I don't believe I'm alone in feeling completely left in the dark about the state of affairs in respect of the Sales Figures, we are reassured that they are increasing, but I still haven't seen a clear breakdown and analysis of the Sales figures. These could be easily incorporated within the Monthly News Letter by the General Manager, and would indeed be both helpful and necessary to enable owners to gauge exactly how successful the new Sales strategy is, as Sales are absolutely vital for the longer term future of the Club.

Owner's Introduction Sales, whilst an interesting concept, seems less viable when one considers the age profile of Rannoch Owners i.e a great many are too elderly to even come to Rannoch, whilst others can no longer manage the stairs. Personally I can't envisage even quite fit elderly owners introducing their equally elderly friends to the concept of buying into a Time Share Resort whether at Rannoch or elsewhere! Therefore we can't rely on this particular Owner Introductions concept for many sales in a full year until the Club's Ownership profile is greatly reduced and more akin to that in the halcyon days of the Club ie YOUNG families. We, as owners, need to have an oversight of ALL the Sale concepts to see exactly which ones are successful and should be pursued and which ones should be set aside.
Some owners may recall the Barratts on-site Sales office where Hotel guests and Resort Renters could easily pop in on passing and pick up details of weeks available/prices with many signing on the dot, having been caught up with the Holiday ambiance circulating around the 'Resort'. It is just that ambiance that Nick Pattie (who was Manager during that period) is trying to recreate with his refurbishment of the Hotel and Leisure Activities.
I look forward to receiving April's News Letter with perhaps an encouraging analysis of the Sales Figures for owners to look over.I
It would be helpful if Owners posted their thoughts/ideas on Sales, as I'm sure many Owners have a lifetime of Sales experience behind them and could come up with some interesting ideas.
Ronnie Robertson
Posts: 160
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Simple questions that require simple answers will help owner confidence.

The longer there is a delay on telling owners the number of lodges sold in the last 9 months and how many lodges taken back by club has become a major distraction and creates more questions.
Posts: 160
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I have been looking over the recent newsletter, in particular the sales strategy and like others I feel we are sitting on a potential goldmine, especially at this moment which is untapped.
In any sales strategy it is the easy answers that are sometimes the most difficult because they lay the bare facts that are not always encouraging such as number of weeks sold in the last 9 months or the number of lodges club has taken back over same period.
However those figures can also lay the foundations of success once you share and as a Club you can then realise the potential.

792 renters in 8 months bringing in £23000 a month.

This is decent figures during a period when most people in the country were concerned about foreign travel.

What would have turned decent into fantastic would be converting the 20% of them to sales which would have smashed the self imposed targets mentioned in newsletter and brought a guaranteed revenue of over £73,000.

I wonder how many of those renters actually bought a week?
It would appear not many when you consider on 05/03 there were 1514 club owned weeks

To succeed in sales you must guage your audience and make it desirable and achievable.
Of course there will be times when you ask is it worth it, but perseverance without pressure ie diarise a time to call back with permission from potential owner can be rewarding.

To ask " does that make sense" will normally provide a yes or a no as it is a closed question.
Open questions will prove more fruitful by asking a question such as " what can we do for you to convince you that LRHC is the timeshare for you"? Or What other information do you require?
The word " you" is built around the person sitting in front of the seller looking to purchase as it individualises them and they know you want to be transparent. The word " we" means you are in it together.

To use words such as disqualification does not instill much confidence either as I am sure using such terminology will make a potential owner turn to another timeshare. It is not helping establish personal relationships instead creating a reason why not to.
The best customers come from those you least expect due to changing circumstances.

This is also a new concept when 50% of leads becomes 20%. It does not make sense.
To use a phrase such as" come across as we don't need the business" is arrogant and encourages a failing systematic approach.
Every single potential lead is important and if you can create a good first impression they will come back whether that be next year or the following year.
You will find it difficult to create a good second impression with this philosophy in strategy.

To succeed, the sales strategy has to be more expansive and inclusive.
We should be approaching businesses, check owner geographical areas, check age demographics, seek invites to various conferences such as trade fairs, approach charities or even a club charity focus, more press, retirement seminars, lead providers etc.
The staff are a very important cog in this too and weekly mind mapping for ideas will create a level of inclusiveness and potential reward.

It needs to turn the square pegs into round pegs and to be smart in what we do which is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic or relevant and time sensitive which can then become smarter once you evaluate and review the strategy on a regular basis.

Posts: 164
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Good evening everyone,

Well Stuart thanks for your really interesting and thought provoking ideas on increasing Sales at the Club. I am hoping this encourages other owners to 'step up to the plate' and add their thoughts on ways to increase Sales.

Owners must bear in mind that if the Club is having to increasingly take back ownership of weeks following the demise of elderly owners who have no one willing to accept ownership of their week, then our Club will eventually face closure due to lack of Management Funds coming into the Club's coffers. Therefore it is in EVERY owners interest to get behind the Committee and General Manager in generating ideas for increasing Sales.

I look forward to reading YOUR ideas and to seeing the Sales Figures in the monthly Newsletter.

Ronnie Robertson
Posts: 160
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

I too, look forward to the sales figures, but to be honest I remain concerned due to the lack of acknowledgement of them since the AGM in any correspondence or answers to questions.

With over 1500 club weeks any less than 50 of them sold in the last 9 months would be a major disappointment and would need addressed ASAP?
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It's good to see in the May 22 Newsletter that the Committee and GM are actively working on the Sales Strategy and that news appears to be imminent! Thank you.
Posts: 160
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Having read the newsletter which was encouraging, and the very mention of sales got me excited, but it still didn't tell owners the number of lodges sold in the last 10 months which would be utopia.
Posts: 160
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Now the accounting year has been over since 30/06 can it now be announced in the next newsletter or on this forum, how many club owned lodges have been sold in the last 12 months?

We are already aware of the income from rentals which has been a welcome addition to finances, but let's have a snapshot of the future planning.
Posts: 164
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As Stuart has already mentioned, as the Accounts Year ended 30th June, I can see no reason why the GM or the Committee cannot update owners as to the number of Club owned weeks sold over the past 12 months and what percentage of these Sales resulted directly from the AirBNB's and Open Days.
Owners need to know exactly how successful the Sales push has been as on those figures rests the longer-term future of the Club ie no new owners, No Club!

Ronnie Robertson
Posts: 160
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Hi Ronnie

I intimated in April, any less than 50 sold at that time would need to be addressed.
By sales I meant club weeks, not owners weeks( which can only be sold in-perpetuity) as they have more flexibility and shorter terms making them more attractive to the multitude of renters.
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