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Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:44 am
by WADD003
There is a lot of chat on Facebook at the moment about the installation at the office of 2 charge points for electric vehicles.. So far, nearly 24 hours later and despite telling the world at large, no-one has seen fit to inform the members on the club website.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 7:04 pm
by ROBE007
I totally agree with Mr Waddingham, office staff appear to actively prioritise posting information pertaining to LRHC or the general Rannoch area on Facebook for the World to read, whilst rarely if ever posting anything on LRHC's website to update owners with the same info. Most Owners do NOT use Facebook. What office staff seem not to appreciate is who actually finances their salaries, there's an old Scottish saying 'He who pays the Piper picks the Tune'.
I think instead of prioritising Facebook, Staff could easily make a Notice Board on the Club's own LRHC website Owners' page and 'pin' regularly updated news bulletins; notices relating to the Club and photos/info on what's happening in the area during any given week. Less confidential info could still be put onto Face for general consumption.
I'm sure the new GM, who apparently has experience in the Hospitality Industry, will set up his own Staff Training courses for office staff that will improve their skill base.
Ronnie Robertson

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 10:11 am
by BROW011
As I posted on the other Forum - some things never change no matter who is on the committee. I agree with Mr Robertson about staff training but that is only of value if they are given better direction by the committee who also "control" the GM.

Re: EV charging point installation

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:35 pm
by SHAW005
I saw the chargers were installed in my visit last summer, though only seemed to be available for use by staff.

The website does now highlight the two EV chargers, though unlike the free network that is available through Scotland, and including in the village, management is setting a £15 fee to use the chargers.

Re: EV charging point installation

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:44 pm
by WADD003
These 2 chargers are available for members. We used them last October for free. I WAS surprised that they were free but am equally surprised at this exorbitant cost. My E-Niro has a 64kW battery and putting in 50% (32kw)(140 miles-ish) at these charge points would take nearly 5 hours and cost approx 47p per kW. Current motorway services ( last Friday/volatile prices now) was 35ppkW for superfast charge point. Are the village charge points still "free"??

Re: EV charging point installation

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:27 pm
by JENS002
I have to agree with you WADD003, £15 per session is exorbitant. I have the sister to your E-Niro, the Hyundai Kona Premium 64kW and charged it up overnight for free last October. Yes, the chargers in the village are still free, as all Charge Place Scotland chargers are in Perth and Kinross. I don't know if the rapid charger is powered from the wee hydro station up passed the garage like the low power ones are though.
Other Scottish council regions are beginning to charge for charging now, but nothing like £15 a session! :o

I think we have to make it clear to our committee that it is too much. I recently stayed in an hotel in Dovedale for a few days, they had a charge point and it cost £5 per session which I thought was reasonable. No free chargers in and around there though!

Re: EV charging point installation

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:47 am
by ATKI004
Ouch!!! That is an extremely high cost! I guess maybe they're trying to encourage Lodge occupiers who are desperate, rather than others who could take advantage and occupy the 2 chargers, so that Lodge guests couldn't use them? We're currently going through selection and deciding about a hybrid/plug next car, so thanks for these Posts.
Yes we echo calls for Owners to be told about LRHC developments first, not posted on Facebook or other social media sites! I hardly go on Facebook and it's annoying to think that the world knows about LRHC before we do! :(

Re: EV charging point installation

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 4:37 pm
by WADD003
Today we have returned from a 650 mile round trip holiday to Norfolk. We stayed @ Premier Inn outside Norwich and Gridserve had just opened, 2 days earlier, a superb Rapid charging station.
Gridserve, the company behind the Electric Highway charging network, has opened its first ‘Compact Electric Forecourt’ in Norwich. The new location features a total of 36 rapid-charging points, including eight Tesla Superchargers and 22 units capable of 350kW charging speeds.

During the week we used their facilities 4 times and costs @ 50ppKw were :- £11.65; £8.52; £13.32 and £15.45(return journey prep) Entire experience lasted less than 2.5 hours. On site is M&S food, Costa coffee and WH Smith plus very plush lounge.
Total cost to me here £48.94. Total cost @LRHC £60 plus approx 2.5 days waiting time.



Re: EV charging point installation

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 4:57 pm
by WADD003

Re: EV charging point installation

Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 9:29 am
by ATKI004
Wow! Thanks for that. However it doesn't seem quite appropriate for Rannoch and certainly doesn't have the footfall (tyrefall)? Hopefully though, LRHC has taken notice of the reaction to charging costs and despite the nationally surging cost of electricity, will be able to reduce charges.

Re: EV charging point installation

Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 10:32 am
by WADD003
Hiya. I agree that's a bit OTT for Loch Rannoch but it will not be long before every lodge is occupied by someone needing an EV charging point and the existing infrastructure will not cope. For my vehicle, just to get to Pitlochry and back would need approx 15 kWh. 2 hours on the club EV points. At present that would cost me £15. Of course I could, and would, charge up elsewhere but I still need 11% of my battery to get from Pitlochry to LRHC. Similar distances to Rannoch station and no charging points there I think??

Big infrastructure investment needed by the club?? :twisted: :?