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Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:17 am
by HOPP002
Should this large annual expense have been agreed by owners before we were committed to paying it.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:39 am
by KEGG001
In principle I do not o next to the charge but I do believe we should have been consulted or even informed prior to being sent the invoice

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:19 pm
by ROBE007

Good afternoon,
I'm just wondering if you asked for and had been issued with this figure by the Committee, as I haven't received this update has anyone else?

If that is the figure calculated on £25.00 per week per Unit in respect of the Leisure Facilities charge, then that is actually encouraging when one equates that figure with the increase in value of each week/unit owned which will be substantially more than £25.00 per week/unit.
The loss of owners' access to Leisure Facilities saw the value of each week/unit plunge when removed by McDonald Hotel, and their Leisure Facilities were minimal when compared to the new Leisure Facilities presently being completed. Hence the reason many owners were able to purchase a week at Rannoch at bottom dollar prices. Therefore this is very encouraging for the future overall value of LRHC, and makes each Unit owned a much more attractive proposition for resale, particularly to younger couples and Families who are looking for a lot more than beautiful scenery and walks, they want to be able to hire bikes; have access to Gyms; Climbing Walls; Tennis Courts; Water Sports - Paddle Boarding; Canoeing; Fishing Lessons; Spa facilities which will all be available to LRHC owners/renters. Whilst older owners like myself may be too long in the tooth to make use of these facilities, we are wise enough to appreciate the added value/sale ability these Leisure Facilities add to our week/unit owned. so well done to the Committee for negotiating such an excellent deal for the Club.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 4:08 pm
by BANN001
Apologies for repeating myself however to confirm both the hotel and the committee can not guarantee me a winter weeks owner the following

Hire bikes; have access to Gyms; Climbing Walls; Tennis Courts; Water Sports – Paddle Boarding; Canoeing; Fishing Lessons; Spa facilities (perhaps)!

so what am I actually paying for?

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 4:52 pm
by HOPP002
The link to the financial details were in the email with the invoice which I received this morning.
I agree that the use of the hotel facilities will be a bonus however I don’t agree that it is an excellent deal.
£108,000 seems a high contribution to the hotel when many items (spa, bikes) will be at an extra charge

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 6:04 pm
by DEXT001
Hello, can I please just enquire. We have Pine Marten 2 week 32 and I have just received our invoice and there has been an 18% increase in our management fees. Have we had an update of the management fees for 2021 as I can't find any correspondence. I was quiet taken aback when I saw the huge increase, how do they expect people to afford it when people have been furloughed and some have actually lost jobs. Any help on this would be appreciated. Many thanks

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 5:19 pm
by ALEX003
Cameron House makes a separate charge for using the spa facilities - £39 per person. We got off light!

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 8:11 am
by ATKI004
We think the charge negotiated by our Committee is extremely reasonable. Well done to them and thank you! The Hotel could have decided to be Residents only, then we'd have none of the facilities it offers.

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 3:30 pm
by LAMO003
For our Club to prosper and to attract new owners, the facilities on offer at the hotel and for what I personally would consider reasonable are essential.

Based on this facility we have not had available for many years it will be an eye opener for owners to be advised of the number of new sales( not exchanges or swaps ) at AGM in December since the hotel allowed access.

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 4:16 pm
by ROBE007

Looking forward to hearing all the naysayers admit they were wrong!
Ok I admit it's most unlikely, but hey even a man can day dream!I
Ronnie Robertson

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 9:17 am
by ATKI004
It will be good to hear about Lodge Sales at the AGM! Hopefully those people who cannot see the positive impact the Hotel is having on LRHC and the consequent value of paying a small Leisure Charge, will feel more reassured.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 1:22 pm
by LAMO003
I truly do hope we will hear about the sales. At my last count there were more than 1200 club owned lodges for sale when we had no facilities. What that number is now I have no idea.

I would expect at least a healthy sales figures to be reported as this delivers long term returns and what should be guaranteed income.

Rentals on the other hand is a shorter term strategy and as things stand right now with more people wanting breaks nearer to home you would expect at least £50k a year or more for 2 nights or more as we are a timeshare, not a hotel.

Together when things improve after Covid if we sold 120 lodges a year which is only 10 a month between at least 6 office staff that would bring in a revenue of approx a much needed additional revenue of £100k pa.

Good marketing is a must.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 4:36 pm
by ROBE007
Yes totally agree increases in Sales would be great, and should be happening except for that tricky but important detail of Staff Training.
When I was at Rannoch in June and again in August, I know of at least two potential Buyers who went into the office asking for Anne Blyth in order to enquire about purchasing a week and were informed that no one knew of an Anne Blyth! Given the amount of work she put in highlighting problems at the Club during the 'Dark Period' and the subsequent amount of personal time she spent assisting Owners who missed out on their Rannoch week due to Covid restrictions, all in addition to using her years of experience in the Timeshare Industry to increase sales at the Club, one has to ask why office staff are not sign posting potential Buyers directly to Anne Blyth whose experience in Timeshare Sales is vast and an asset to LRHC.
I'm hoping that the Owners like Anne Blyth who have given so much of their personal time to the Club dragging it back from the brink of oblivion are acknowledged and thanked by the Chair on behalf of all Owners.

Ronnie Robertson

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 9:04 am
by ATKI004
It is amazing that nobody knew about Ann Blyth and her role! Debbie in the Office is dealing with Sales and she may not have been there when you asked about purchasing, but all Office staff should be briefed and aware of the Sales process and who to contact/refer to. Surely they realise that their jobs are dependent on the Club thriving and Lodge Ownership increasing to generate income and security? Hopefully Richard Deak our new General Manager is going to shake things up. He has said that he is very focused on good Customer Service.