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Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 12:35 pm
by WILS015
Could any member of the committee give us an update about what plans are in place to reopen the club inline with Covid Scotland regulations?


Jeanette Wilson

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:33 pm
by BENS002
Providing there are no changes to the current advice from the Scottish Government the Club will be open to Scottish residents from Thursday 29th April. Providing the current advice from the English government doesn't change will be fully open from 20th May. If the situation changes we will post on this forum. Regards, Ron Benson

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:16 pm
by WILS015
Many thanks for the information.

Jeanette Wilson

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:57 pm
by MCLU001
Thank you for that Ron. And whew, I'm due up there on 1st of May :)

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 6:01 am
by ATKI004
Thanks Ron - that's most useful and so exciting for many Owners (and disappointing for others of course). Are these dates when LRHC will actually open or will there be another lead- in period for water testing, final cleaning etc? Or are arrangements already in place so the Lodges can open on these dates, based on the experience of reopening in 2020? Thank you.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 8:12 am
by CLIF001
As the English government now allows people to stay in self catering accommodation and Nicola now allows the English over the border is this just a restriction imposed by the committee? If this is the case will there be some form of compensation in the form of alternative weeks or waiver of management fees for weeks lost? We have a number of weeks booked at various bed and breakfast establishments after what would have been our week at Loch Rannoch starting on the 29th and they do not have any problem with our stay with them so what is the problem?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 5:47 am
by BENS002
Our opening dates were set in line with government guidelines at the time. Although the Scottish government has chosen to open up the borders early we already had a schedule in place to carry out maintenance and repairs and this means that some lodges were not expected to be used until Mid-May. We are in the process of stopping that work, then carrying out cleaning operations in order to get these lodges back on line asap. This is why I am urging Owners not to just "turn up" at the resort unless we have already confirmed with you that there is a lodge available then it will be a wasted trip, certainly until Mid-May. As soon as possible we will bring our opening dates forward, we don't want to disappoint any more Owners than necessary in the circumstances. Keep checking the forum or give us a call if you are unsure. Anyone who can't be accommodated after 29th of April will be compensated. Regards, Ron Benson

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 8:24 am
by LAMO003

I was supposed to be having a weeks holiday starting today in the Lake District, not a timeshare.
The company I booked my week with took the prudent measures of cancelling my week a few months ago due to the uncertainty of when normality would resume.

Now things have opened up to an extent, but I am still glad they took such steps to avoid any disappointment for me and any other traveller.

Unfortunately there are so many different regulations around the UK during such unprecedented times that create uncertainty, but I would not say it is committee instigated.
Smaller establishments will find it easier to reopen compared to an 85 lodge timeshare which also has to consider the local community and their welfare.

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 1:07 pm
by MCMU003
Why have members been told on a Facebook post about changes to the reopening plans for non Scottish owners ? Surely and email to owners would have been a more suitable method to communicate this ??

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 1:47 pm
by BENS002
Posting these changes on Facebook and on this forum are much quicker which is why we are doing it this way. Newsletter is going out tonight to all Owners as some people don't use Facebook or the Forum.

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 1:57 pm
by MCMU003
I would think it possible to send an email at the same time as posting to Facebook.

We are due to arrive on 22nd May and in line with previous comments from the club and the original plan to open up the border on 17th May we fully expected to be able to visit and have booked hotels for our north and south journeys which are non refundable. We do not accept that we might now be told this is not possible due to "maintenance" and "cleaning" issues - these were totally foreseeable and a schedule should have been put in place to ensure this was completed by the original opening date of 17th May. To now tell us that we can't visit as the resort is not opening to non Scottish residing owners until 27th May is unacceptable and possibly open to challenge.

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 7:40 pm
by MCMU003
It’s now 22:37 and no sign of any email to owners , only lots of negative comments from disgruntled owners on Facebook- hardly the right way to proceed. It seems to me that sadly the new Committee have learned absolutely nothing from the mistakes of the past.

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:15 am
by ATKI004
It is Saturday 24 April, just after 9am and we haven't received an emailed Newsletter which you said would come overnight. Has it been delayed, are reopening arrangements changing in the light of the reaction of English Owners hearing about Lodges being available to Scottish Owners first? There are already rumours circulating on Facebook about English-owned Lodges being rented to Scottish Owners and English unable to stay in their own Lodges - this isn't helpful to LRHC's reputation and is now damaging the fledgling Committee. Please get some current information out to all Owners by email or carrier pigeon asap! Thankyou.

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:17 am
by LEIT004
I am really angry that LRHC have not communicated with owners. My week starts on 1st May and I was delighted to hear that the borders were open for travel between Scotland and England. Despite phone calls and emails I have heard nothing back to give me information. Most disappointed with the management!

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:24 am
by BENS002
To Mr. Leitch, what is your account number or Lodge please?

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:56 am
by LEIT004
Mr Benson

I own HL37 week 18 LEIT004


Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 5:51 am
by LAMO003

Don't do Facebook, but have seen some of the postings and can't believe some of the comments especially around not allowing owners from England.
Until last weekend I could not even see my parents or a terminally ill sibling who only lived 25 miles away but in a different council area.

At the virtual AGM there were was much discussion around the issues at the club which had been created by others in the previous year which appear to have had a knock on effect.
I am surprised the club has opened as quick as it has to anyone after the issues which are well documented.

Here in Scotland there has been much confusion and many questions asked by those in hospitality because clarity was not forthcoming from the Scottish government who have till now always been a few weeks behind the rest of the UK.
So many things were uncertain.

I am over the moon that the country, for now, as long as there is not a third wave, is opening up and every single owner will have their week or weeks and will await confirmation in writing to say it is ready.


Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 2:40 pm
by WILS015
I'm appreciative of our committee members doing what they possibly can to get the club open again to members and very hopeful for the club moving forward after a very trying year.

It will be great to get back up to Rannoch again!

I know it's been a very hard year for everyone, not being able to see family and friends and tragically losing so many loved ones

Although the club had been closed by the Scottish Government because of the pandemic I'm very supportive of the Scottish approach to take everything slow and steady to keep us all safe.

I'm being positive and hopeful that Covid will eventually be manageable and life will return to as normal as we can safely get it


Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:13 am
by ATKI004
We are confident that the Committee is working hard to get LRHC opened again as soon as possible and will do their utmost to achieve the best outcome for all Owners. I think that because everyone has been bottled up by Covid restrictions, we're all just eager and desperate to get back to normality and escape to Rannoch and our Lodges. It should be even better this year with the opening of the revamped and remodelled Hotel and facilities.
We realise that whenever the opening date(s) is(are) set there will be some extremely disappointed Owners and of course the ones caught up in these dates have missed two consecutive years which must be heart breaking for them. We hope that the Committee and Club will do their best to offer them alternatives. But as Jeanette Wilson says, we must tread carefully and ensure that the Club is reopened bearing in mind that Covid has not gone away. To rush procedures and give The Beast chance to get another toehold would be wrong and risk more lives. It has been a very hard year for everyone and many Members will have lost loved ones: we offer them our sincere condolences.
However we do believe that we need another Newsletter or update email which is sent to everyone as soon as possible please. As others have already said, not everyone uses Facebook or checks into this Forum, so they will be unaware of the different opening dates for Scottish and English Owners.
Thanks to the Committee members and LRHC Staff for their ongoing hard work in such difficult circumstances: we are most grateful to you all.

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 5:27 am
by PIPE001
I also need to know whether we, will be able to use my lodge for the week beginning Saturday 15 May., week 20.
My lodge is highland lodge 32. As that is 2 weeks away we really need to know. It will only be my husband and myself staying. We will be travelling up from home in England.
Please email, or ring me.
Thank you.