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Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:01 am
by TAYL013
Does anyone know why our new website is partly offline?

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:31 pm
by WILL015
Is it because of the reported data breach? It is reported that almost all of the members' contact information was on a non-secure page until recently. See: where a post gives details.

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 5:26 pm
by TAYL013
Hi Willis,

I think it may be because of the Breach of GDPR rules and regulations but no committee member appears to be prepared to tell us why.

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 9:32 pm
by WILS015

The courier has this story . Link above.

I am extremely concerned that my personal details were available online and accessable for several hours.

What is going on at the club?

Jeanette Wilson

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:41 am
by JENS002
Hello folks, we are new members, after spending exchange weeks from our other timeshare in Spain at Loch Rannoch. We love this place and are concerned and disheartened by what is happening. Thanks to you Jeanette for including the link to the Courier about the data leak.
I have received the resignation email from Cliff Hunter, as I"m sure you have and wonder who is responsible for this blunder. There should have been an immediate email to all members about this data leak, how much information on us was available? were bank details three for all to see?

Erik and Carol Jensen

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:59 am
by WILS015
Agree with all of above .

I am shocked that the members were not informed of this data breach.

To date we have still not been officially informed by the Club.

This must be rectified immediately to try and forwarn members of possible scam contacts.

Jeanette Wilson

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 12:13 pm
by JENS002
I have replied to Cliff Hunters email asking him why he didn't mention the data breach in it. He had the perfect opportunity to do so.

I agree with you Jeanette about the club informing us all as what data content was available.
The last paragraph of my previous post should be; were bank details there for all to see?

Erik Jensen

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:57 pm
by ROBE007
Good afternoon,

I would respectfully suggest that ALL OWNERS, as suggested by Owner Willis, go on to the Owners` own website which was set up when the LRHC website was down - and spend time to read posts not just from owners, but from many employees and local Kinloch Rannoch residents to find out what has really been going at LRHC over the past months and prepare to be shocked.
Unfortunately, Mr Hunter and former Chairperson, Mrs Julie Sloan Bulgar (aka self appointed SALARIED H R Consultant; Maintenance Manager and Temporary General Manager - without qualification or experience of any of these posts!) has managed to ruin the reputation of this once great Club resulting in the Clubs name being splashed all over local media; local villagers being left in fear of being sacked if they spoke out; MSP contacting the Clubs Solicitor with their concerns and the vast majority of the owners being left completely in the dark. Even on resigning, Mr Hunter chose not to apologise for the complete debacle he and others created, but tried to deflect by blaming matters on the two remaining Committee Members who EVENTUALLY chose to stand up against him. Mr Hunter also attempts to blame the hundreds of Owners who were merely raising their serious concerns that the Club was being led to the brink of Bankruptcy and complete closure as increasing numbers of ex-employees and owners were threatening to sue.
As an owner of some 40 years standing, I have absolutely nothing to gain by calling Mr Hunter out as totally deluded if he imagines he and Mrs Julie Sloan Bulgar were anything other than unprofessional whilst on the Committee and should be banned from EVER holding office again.
Let`s just hope Mr Hunter really has resigned, as we have had many false dawns, not least concerning Mrs Sloan Bulgar, as some employees are saying that Mrs Sloan Bulgar is still holding on by her nails to the SALARIED post of unqualified HR Consultant at LRHC having been ordered by the Committee to leave her Kinloch Rannoch residence of recent months, Glenrannoch House! (Yet another issue hidden from Owners!) but continues to take part in zoom meetings.

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:30 pm
by ROBE007
Can anyone tell me how to prevent my posts coming up in red characters and out of alignment please?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 1:43 pm
by BULG001
yes its cut and pasted of the unofficial website hold on to your hats THE NEW comittee have on previse requested a bank loan and the selling of the staff accommodations to raise 2 million pounds for upgrades

ow this will news but made out a lies

did the chair get paid for the work he said , did not get paid for mmm think he did

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 2:40 pm
by MARS011
Mr Robertson can you please stop spreading gossip and malicious information. You do not know the truth ! The truth would shock you, believe me because the police have the files about how your money was really being spent. You are a trouble maker and trying to discredit my name. If you insist continuing with these allegation I will notify the police that you are harassing me and have an online vendetta to discredit my name. If you think you have evidence other than hearsay then please forward this to the police to investigate, otherwise just shut up. You really have know idea how you have been played as a fool, truth is, I have more qualifications than ever disclosed. I am not interested in what you think you know, rather that your evidence..... which you did not show. Why was this? because you do not have ANY evidence, other than someone else's' written word....... I will ask you once more to let this Club prosper, stop your vendetta and look at the wider picture. Apply for committee, if you think you can make a difference.

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 5:58 pm
by ROBE007

These threats have been par for the course and made by our former 'esteem' CHAIRWOMAN to any Owner; EMPLOYEE; ex-employee or local Kinloch Rannoch resident who has the temerity to speak the truth. I, as an Owner for 40 years, have absolutely nothing to gain other than wishing this toxic person with her co-opted friend is prevented from EVER holding a Committee post again. I'm pretty sure the Police are fast losing their patience with this person who wastes their time during a Pandemic having already apparently advised her that so much said is already in the media; on forums and there are literally queues of witnesses prepared to testify to all that is being said is the truth. I have said on previous occasions, 'The truth always comes out'.
For further information about the newly formed Committee, see posts today on the Alternative forum (which was put in place when this forum was taken down) go on to and if you are having problems registering, contact This is NOT manned 24/7 as it is run by fellow owners.

Let's all look forward to a more positive future with owners who are professionals at the helm and just hope they can steer the club from the 'rocks' we almost perished on and that they can resolve the possible numerous Litigations that may yet be presented to the Club for the unprofessional conduct of some on the previous Committee.

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 6:45 pm
by BULG001
Mr R Roberson as you have been requested to provide the evidence of miss management please copy it on here

not hide on a forum you call the truth

it was the committee that offered Julie The Job after her 3 year term of chair ended

so put the evidence out in to the open Julie requested u to do that ???? is you making it up ,if not make it clear on here

ow Julie has has been a member for over 20 years

hope to see you put for ward for the committee as you know all and can do get it right ?????

yes i and david

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:35 pm
by ROBE007

Sorry David and Julie Sloane Bulgar, but as on previous Fridays or Saturdays when you have attempted to post your thoughts, in the 'Alternative' LRHC forum, you have become increasingly incoherent as the evening progresses, to the point where you then become verbally abusive and threatening to Owners. At that point you received warnings to cease or be banned, however in ignoring the warning, you were banned.

Please, for your own sake, try to retain some dignity, and wish the new Committee well in their endeavour to save the Club and rebuild the 'fractured' relationship between the owners of LRHC; employees and local residents of Kinloch Rannoch who have suffered so much upset and verbal abuse this past year, particularly as we head towards Christmas.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:27 am
by TAYL013
To: Mr David & Julie Sloane-Bulger

You partly stated in your post on this Forum on December 12, 2020 at 2:43 pm, and I quote:

“…..THE NEW comittee have on previse requested a bank loan and the selling of the staff accommodations to raise 2 million pounds for upgrades…..”

This is very worrying news and I should appreciate if you can confirm that this statement is in fact correct and provide details of where you got this information from, as I have confirmation from a very reliable source that there is absolutely no truth in that comment.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:44 pm
by TAYL013
After more than 24 hours to reply it seems Mr David and Julie Sloane-Bulger have either forgotten where they got the information from regarding the selling of the staff accommodation to raise £2,000,000 by the NEW committee OR they got names mixed up and they should have stated "PREVIOUS Committee" OR they were telling untruths. It's your guess as good as mine!

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 4:12 pm
by THOM042
Recent developments, Mr Taylor, have shown the Sloane - Bulger’s to be entirely lacking in credibility and I personally take any statement they make with a pinch of salt.
I am confident as can be that the current revised Committee will act in good faith for all at LRHC, and time will tell, but they must be given time to deal with what is basically a mess left by others