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Posts: 181
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

I believe that the Unofficial Forum is to be once again reinstated.
This is good news for all owners and also those who have a love and a great affinity for LRHC and the surrounding area.

This forum was the catalyst for existing and previous committee members to volunteer their services.
Some have proved successful, others not so.

It will also allow for those on the forum to discuss issues which may not necessarily be too popular on the Club's own official forum due to more transparency.
Because of this forum previously much needed change did happen and can happen again despite much resistance from those who may have something to hide or have own agendas which are not beneficial for the club or its owners.
Posts: 79
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:17 pm

That’s interesting. The return of the UF can only be for the good and of course is open to non owners at the club unless there’s to be a change. It allows others with connections to the club to have an opinion.
How will we know when its live again ?
Posts: 181
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

:shock: Again I am led to understand that once it is up and running details can and will be posted on this forum.
You are bang on when you make comment about opinions.

There has been so much important factual information posted on that forum previously which has led to important change.
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