August newsletter

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Posts: 79
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:17 pm

For me it was a newsletter which stated the obvious in as much that “lodges need maintenance”.
This we all knew however there is maintenance which was needing dealt with long before the departure of the 2 members of staff referred to. Indeed in Pine Marten lodge 6 which was refurbished only 4 years ago there is a heavily corroded towel rail in the bathroom which stains the towels if they are put on the rails. In effect this means that this towel rail is unusable and when the refurbishment was done this was not renewed , nor was the bath or the wash hand basin.
These are likely to all be the original fittings and while maybe acceptable in a bothy, are not acceptable in a time share lodge which attracts increasing maintenance fees for owners and significant rental fees for those renting lodges.
There are a number of other defects in need of attention particularly in the patio area.
PM6 is by no means the only lodge which is in a neglected state.
It would seem that a satisfactory level of maintenance is not a long term priority at LRHC and the priority for spending is elsewhere
Posts: 181
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

It was a very unexciting and uninspiring newsletter with comments which were cause for concern.

To make the books balance by "making a couple of redundancies" is great cause for concern, because if the rentals were so lucrative as we are constantly told, balancing books would not be an issue, unless this is down to the higher level of salaries, poor budgetary control or a lack of real net income after expenses.
Someone, somewhere, and I could take a wild guess, is not all they are cracked up to be.
Someone has to start taking ownership and responsibility for the overspending, inflated salaries and neglection of duties we have seen unfolding, rather than deflect the blame.
There is a level of toxicity at the club which I hoped had been extinguished. Respect and fear can be easily confused.
We have heard that story before.

Glad we are now recording lodge issues. This should have been done a long time ago, and if not, was poor management.

Re the flea incident, I am surprised this is the first time when we have so many rentals with dogs, and I take on board, this could have been an owner.
I have a dog who is monthly treated for this and I know other owners who do too, but again maybe if bringing a dog the questionnaire should request this info?

I was then expected exciting news about sales, but nothing.
That news went down the pan just like the cheap toilet roll news. I wonder why?

To " manage costs effectively" could be started elsewhere, but that would be controversial.

At least we will have a hub in the village which will be good for the village. It is good to see some real strategic planning there.

Like the cafe closing being disappointing, so too was the overall lack of club information for owners.
This is a massive concern and AGM could be interesting.
Posts: 79
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:17 pm

I have now been assured that the corroded towel rail in PM6 has now been replaced and that the defects in the patio area have now been rectified.
If anyone happens to be in PM6 before week 24, 2025 then it would be interesting to hear their opinion.
Hopefully all other lodges with similar defects will now be brought up to standard.
Posts: 79
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:17 pm

Further to the August newsletter which amongst other things , promotes the steak night deal etc.
Owners should be aware that the Dunalister hotel is now on the market and so this should be considered before making a deposit if booking well in advance.
I did the steak deal earlier this year and I think the deposit was £20.
Posts: 181
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

So they won't be looking for a new restaurant manager then?
Posts: 79
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:17 pm

Maybe not. To be honest when I was there in June the restaurant was very disorganised and staff didn’t seem to know what they were doing. Food was excellent however.
I doubt if the restaurant Manager’s wage would meet the expectations of the local talent available.
Posts: 181
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Just like the changes that may well take take place at the Dunalastair, maybe it's time for change at the club?

We as a club need leadership, accountability,transparency, honesty and integrity and an acceptance of responsibilities.

These are traits I am yet to see, but if it comes to, in my opinion, wasting owners money and autocracy, we will definitely win a watch.
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