May newsletter

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Posts: 79
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:17 pm

In the May newsletter the Club Chairman and GM both describe recent instances of sheep worrying by out of control dogs allowed off the lead by their owners and quite rightly appeal to all owners etc to comply with the club rule which is to keep dogs on the lead at all times.
I should point out that Landowner’s/ farmers/ shepherds etc have a legal right to shoot any dog which is worrying sheep or other livestock if there is no other way of preventing the attack.
In most cases there is no other way and so the dog owner may well find themselves with a dead pet as well as facing legal action / litigation.
I am originally from this very background and well familiar with how it works.
Solution is just as John Hirst says, keep your dog on a lead
Posts: 173
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Sounded horrific particularly if any children were in the vicinity and witnessed it.
I can't fathom why owners feel the need to bring their Dog with them if they find it difficult to keep on a Lead to control it. Why must others who are not Dog Lovers have to put up with the constant barking; fouling of grass areas and general Dog Hairs within the Lodges which can only really be removed by a Deep Clean which rarely happens on Change over days. The percentage of Dog ownerships exploded over Covid Lockdowns the results of which we are seeing at Rannoch. Therefore with greater numbers of guests bringing Dogs to Rannoch, much higher Fees must be charged to enable additional staff to be employed to Service such Accommodation by Deep Cleaning any Units where a Dog (or Cat) have stayed.
Posts: 79
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:17 pm

Agree with the above and as usual its the minority who let down the majority who are responsible pet owners.
While I am by no means anti dog or anti pet there is a negative side to owner’s bringing pets into the lodges. Dogs in particular tend to salvate all over the place and if allowed will climb onto sofas etc where occupants also sit during their stay.
I have a family member who is allegic to animal hair and if in contact with even 1 hair will probably suffer swelling to face / bloodshot eyes etc which in effect means that she can never stay at LRHC as my guest or of her own accord. The Commitee are aware of this and other than “ deep cleaning “ there’s no solution. Pet free lodges are a logistical impossibility due to the multiple owners of each lodge throughout each year.
Another aspect of the presence of pets is that in a location such as Rannoch they are hosts to numerous ticks during the Summer months and these will be brought into the lodges by the pets. Ticks of course are a significant health hazard to humans and I have personally been the subject of tick bites many times but so far managed to avoid Lyme’s disease. I know others who have not been so lucky and suffer permanently.
Ask any local who has a dog how many ticks they have to remove and if the figure isn’t at least in double figures then I would be surprised.
The last tick I had attached to me was on the back of my leg in 2022 and this happened in the area below the hydro dam at Rannoch while fishing there. Stick to paths and you should be okay, unless of course they have been transported into your lodge on some of our hairy 4 legged friends
Posts: 181
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

As a dog owner with a "hypoallergenic type dog" I totally get this frustration.

I have always ensured a stairgate in lodge to stop pet getting downstairs and always take all the necessary bedding and all other requirements.

For many years and there has been a motion about this, no owner has to pay extra for a dog or any pet. Certain members of committee were against this and ensured would be unsuccessful by comments made.
Totally wrong, in my opinion.There should be a charge of around £25- 30 per dog per owner and the rentals should be more.

I have seen owners and renters with multiple dogs who appear to show no respect to property.
They allow their pets to jump in loch and don't even attempt to dry pet before letting them in lodge which I know has been passed to relevant parties to sort.
I also remember an ex chair on committee who said that " dogs were cleaner than some owners".

This remains an issue which can be sorted with the proper approach.
Posts: 79
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:17 pm

I know of a pub / restaurant local to me which allows dogs into the bar area. To the degree that the limited floor area is sometimes littered with our four legged friends and many customers end up tripping over the animals or leads attached to their collars or dogs trying to pinch any food which is on the bar tables. The result is that the pub is candidly referred to locally as “ Crufts” but the less funny aspect is that many customers have stopped going there.
The same thing could one day happen to LRHC which would be a great shame since sales are apparently increasing dramatically 🐶
Posts: 173
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Totally agree, friends were excited at visiting Rannoch with a view to possibly becoming owners but on seeing the Dog Hair stuck to the sole of their slippers, spent one night in the Lodge and made a quick exit without even having breakfast before a major Asthma episode started. Given Rannoch's remoteness and lack of a GP in residence, such an episode of severe Asthma could prove fatal!
Surely a limit of ONE dog per Unit plus an additional deep clean charge of £30 is not unreasonable particularly if it saves someone from having a severe Asthma episode.
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