Leisure Facilities Contract

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I was delighted to read that John Hurst and the Committee have signed a new Leisure Facilities contract with the Hotel. I have been advocating for some time the importance of access to such Facilities in 2024/onwards as we try to attract a new generation to buy into the Club, particularly a generation where the Gym etc is a vital part of their daily routine, and Spa facilities the icing on their cake, particularly for families, as the voting reflects. The good news for those members who are disappointed the vote didn't go as they would wish, is that their 'Week' will continue to increase in value as the Club's Refurbishment Programme moves forward along with the Hotel's continued improvement/extension of the Leisure Facilities on offer.
The one Fly in the Ointment is the Apartment Block which will take a high percentage if not all of our Refurbishment Budget, as it obviously needs an external and internal Refurb.The most cost effective way forward was for the Committee to have had a Postal Vote for Owners to decide whether or not the Committee should negotiate the Sale of this Block on the basis of the initial enquiry re a possible Sale. The new owner would have demolished it and rebuilt with new Apts. LRHC's Refurbishment Budget may well have been richer by at least £750K if negotiations went well and of course all the Club owned weeks that presently hang like a lead weight around our neck, would have been immediately wiped off our Accounts!

I'm still at a loss to understand why any competent Accountant didn't advise the Committee to seriously consider such an obvious way forward or at least suggest to the Committee they arrange a Cost Study following a full Survey of this Apt Block.
Perhaps we need to review our Accountant to one that has a more robust Business Feasibility approach to Finance rather than one that is merely checking Ledgers.
Posts: 79
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Well there’s a growing concern amongst owners regarding their opinion re Leisure facility charges being disregarded and this will ultimately come back to haunt a future commitee in my opinion. Why should any owner who has no desire to use the LRE facilities for watever reason be expected to financially support those who do ?
Its not exactly encouraging for potential buyers of timeshare weeks either.
There is no reason why those who wish to use and pay for the facilities shouldn’t pay for it on an individual basis.
LRE have clearly stated that they won’t entertain an individual leisure facilities tariff and want a block payment on a leisure contract each year and so LRHC accept this and allow the club to be so dictated to.
The LRHC committee/ Directors have the authority to make these decisions and that is accepted but its also been noticed .
Posts: 173
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It would seem then the Committee is in a Catch 22 situation. If they walked away from the Leisure Contract the MAJORITY who voted FOR the Leisure Contract would be complaining.
Being in advanced years myself, I certainly won't be making much use of the Leisure Facilities other than the occasional dip in the Pool, but I do gain pleasure watching the excitement of families heading to use the facilities, particularly when I recall the pleasure it brought our children back in the day. All things considered, it's a relatively small amount I'm being asked to pay which I feel is more than offset by the ambience the refurbished Hotel has brought to the Club and the convenience of being able to have a coffee; lunch or dinner without having to drive off site.

A Leisure pass would seem a possible alternative, but Nick Pattie who has managed/owned Hotels longer than I dare say even he would care to admit, has went over the financial calculations with his Accountant, and they have decided that resourcing a Weekly or Pay as You Go Leisure Pass does not make sound Business sense for him at this time.
Posts: 181
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I agree with all the comments.

Out of interest how do owners feel about having the Monday meetings at the Dunalastair, when we could easily have within a very short walking distance at Hotel?
Posts: 79
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Ive not been to a welcome meeting since 2019 and although I’m open minded about a venue , I think that the meeting should be held nearer to the lodge complex in order to suit the majority of owners during their stay.
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I agree it seems odd owners are being asked to go to the Dunalistair Hotel for the Owners Meeting each week when it was much more convenient for all owners to pop into the Meeting Room above the Water Sport Facility. Who came up with this 'Free Advert' for the Dunalistair Hotel I wonder, as it doesn't benefit owners.
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Was the reason for shifting to the new venue not due to the original being closed for a period during the winter months.

I attended in Feb 2024 and the new venue was absolutely fine.
Posts: 181
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Would you rather have the meeting at hotel if available on an ongoing and regular basis?
Posts: 173
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I'd rather have the Owners' Meeting at Loch Rannoch Hotel than Dunalistair, given that Rannoch has been known to have the 'occasional' rain shower!
Why on earth would anyone think it more conducive to walk into the village in the pouring rain rather than to stay onsite? The other thing I can't for the life of me understand is the Whisky Tasting being held on a Sunday morning! Is there not one single person on the Committee that has any understanding of the Sabbath and that some owners attend the Kirk on the Sabbath?
Why not have it one mid week evening prior to Dinner?
It would make it more enjoyable for Owners and may encourage others to Book Dinner in the Hotel.
Posts: 17
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Hi Ronnie

There seems to be some confusion about the meeting on the Sabbath. It is not "Whisky Tasting" as we used to run during the week several years ago but a "cocktail party". Importantly it should be noted that LRE (the hotel Group) has organised and paid for this. Your Club was given 3 days notice about the event although it had obviously been conceived much earlier. If Mr Pattie wishes to invite our Members to drink a free glass of his Prosecco then he is absolutely entitled to do so. But it is not then reasonable to blame the Club for any shortcomings as there is nothing we can do about it.

Our Members' Welcome Meeting continues at the Dunalastair on Mondays because during some of the winter months Mr Pattie would not let us hold meetings, for which we paid a commercial rate, at a time and day to suit us. In addition, despite the fact that we were renting his facility he would not allow us to bring in external speakers. At the Dunalastair we invite management from LRE to advertise their facilities and the Dun has no wish to prevent that.

These Monday meetings are now being tweaked to give more information to our Members and other organisations are being encouraged to offer Club Members discounts at their businesses. When The HUb is completed we shall invite them to make presentations to our Members because we take the view that as one of (or perhaps the) major operator in the village that we should set an example to the others to encourage village activity. After all, we really don't want the village to slowly die.

Regards, John
Posts: 173
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Thanks for that clarification John. Strange but I was certain it was mentioned in the Newsletter as a Whisky Tasting Event, and being partial to a Glenfiddoch Whisky having it on the Sabbath did seem odd!

Why can't the Committee use the room at the Waterfront above the Water Sport Area for Owners Meetings as we did in the past? I also hate having the Owners Meeting eat into even one day of my Rannoch Holiday. A convivial Cheese & Wine evening combined with the Owners Welcome Meeting would be great! Even if Members were invited to make a small contribution towards the Cheese & Wine.
Posts: 9
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I only use the leisure facilities because we are being charged for them and my husband doesn’t use them at all. I agree that it would be fairer if those who want to use them pay individually. Of course Mr Patty will say it does not make financial sense as the club is contributing thousands of pounds into the hotel through the leisure facilities levy. Totally wrong, but that was the wish of the majority so we have to accept it.
I think it was disgraceful that Mr Patty would not allow us to continue to use the room at the marina for our welcome meetings when the hotel closes for most of the week in the winter and preventing us from having our chosen speakers. Although I haven’t yet been to the new venue at the Dunallister, they offered a solution at short notice, something Mr Patty did not do, so I for one am much more in favour of us continuing to give them our business. Why should we now pay Mr Patty money to use that room again, just for him to slam the door in our faces when they close the hotel during the winter? Our lodges owners are there throughout the year and we should all have the benefit of the same facilities, especially because we ALL pay for them.
Also as far as the studio apartment block refurbishment, my understanding is this block brings in the biggest rental revenue on the site, so why would we give this to someone else, like the hotel? I think our members need to think about our club not how to make profits for the hotel at our expense.

Susan Rowley
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As my brother was the owner of a rural Hotel in Scotland, I am aware that the responsibility of the owner in respect of hiring out a room or even part of the property is a lot more complex than one imagines. Unless the Owner or Manager is prepared to be on site and take full responsibility that Health & Safety + Fire Reg. are fully complied with, the Hotel's Ins. Policy may be nullified. I imagine that is perhaps the reason Mr Patty is unable to offer us the use during closure/lockdown of Hotel during the winter as happens in many rural Hotels in Scotland. The alternative being one of the empty H/L be used as a venue during the winter closure period.

I agree it is unfair if owners of weeks during this period are being asked to contribute to Leisure Fees when they are unavailable to use, even if they wanted to. However that has nothing to do with the Hotel Owner, and is between the Time Share Owner and the Committee to discuss.

As far as the Apt.Block Studios are concerned, LRHC is a Time Share Club and original owners similar to myself but whose Lodges, even after many decades, remain awaiting refurbishment, should be PRIORITISED, rather than Studio Renters who stay one/two nights. one has to consider that the Club Owners' complete Refurbishment Budget could possibly be swallowed up by the amount of both exterior and interior work required on this block. In fact I am amazed that a full Building Survey has not been carried out to see if Refurbishment is a viable option for the Block at all. The second point being the Club is carrying ever increasing numbers of pre-owned weeks like a costly Lead Weight around it's neck, many of these weeks are held within the Studio Block. By selling off the Block and giving any remaining owners a compensatory week in HL or their Studio week's current value, we would immediately reduce these costly weeks the club is carrying and dispose of a possibly unviable building, using our Refurbishment Budget for it's original intention, ie the Refurbishment of Time Share weeks and not Refurbishment of Studios for short-term renters, we are NOT a Hotel.
Posts: 181
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When we have so many lodges now in the hands of the club and a lot more for sale by owners, you have to look at all the options which are beneficial, not just to the club, but to owners and the surrounding area.
This is what you call " looking at the big picture".
I personally don't utilise the leisure facilities, but I consider what I pay is for the greater good of the club and owners, especially those we are trying to attract ,with families.
I would not be surprised if egos and differences in personalities are playing out here. It has happened before and owners affected.
There is no room for any conflicts of interests or status seeking.
Also bear in mind there is much from the Dunalastair to gain from any arrangement despite criticism from some who have worked there and potentially vice versa.

I also understand that apartments and studios are touted as providing the greater income stream, but also realise that the net profit from all rentals is not as great as expected due to expenses such as cleaning costs etc.
The accounts did not lie last year and I expect same come end of this month.

A bigger issue is, in my opinion just around the corner when the 3 and 5 year ownership deals finish with quite a few coming to an end soon.
I know a lot of owners on those particular plans and they have no intention of renewing and unless our Sales strategy is perfected and delivered, rentals alone will not be sufficient.

I also agree we are not a hotel and never should be.
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