This forum is for polite and reasonable discussion of topics related to the Loch Rannoch Highland Club Annual General Meeting.

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Posts: 173
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Good Evening ALL Owners

We have waited countless years to be offered a vote on the Perpetuity Clause and now we have It thanks to our Committee, so let's grab It with both hands AND VOTE FOR CHANGE!

It is imperative that Owners of ALL ages take this opportunity to Vote in favour of the long awaited changes to the Perpetuity Clause. Presently when an owner dies their Estate cannot be settled and distributed (Probate/Confirmation in Scotland) until descendant/n.o.k of the deceased owner signs off accepting ownership of the LRHC week(s) owned. If no one is willing to accept ownership, then the responsibility at present is placed on the Estate of the Deceased by LRHC, this prevents Probate/Confirmation from being completed and can end up in a costly Court Case that prolong matters further.
Therefore by voting in favour of this amendment to the Perpetuity Clause, Owners have the reassurance that their family will now have the choice whether to continue ownership of the week(s)or to hand it back to the Club without the fear of a Legal wrangle. It also means LRHC will not find itself being involved in a costly legal wrangle to claim on-going Management Fees from a Deceased Owner's Estate. Another positive point is that in clarifying the Perpetuity Clause, it may make ownership at Rannoch a more attractive proposition and increase sales. So a win win situation all around.
As for younger owners who may feel this vote is irrelevant to them, I'm sorry to say that it is indeed as relevant, particularly if you have a young family.
No one knows what fate has in store for them, and the last thing any family needs at a time of devastating loss is a legal wrangle holding up Probate on an Estate.
I think as much as 70% of the vote in favour is required for this change to the Perpetuity Clause to be passed, therefore Owners let's grab this opportunity and make it happen!

Ronnie Robertson
Posts: 110
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:15 pm

This really is such good news and we totally agree with ROBE007! This is very far sighted and proves that our Committee really is working for Owners. Many, many thanks to the Committee for offering this vote on Perpetuity - it means that Owners no longer need to worry about their Lodge in the event of them passing and relatives not wanting to take the Lodge on.
We also believe that if this Resolution is passed, new prospective Lodge Purchasers who may have been put off buying a Lodge because of Perpetual Ownership, now have nothing to fear. This surely is such a positive selling point to advertise to those exploring joining LRHC?
As ROBE007 says: PLEASE VOTE FOR CHANGE! This is such an enormously positive step forward for LRHC. (no, we're not on the Committee - just ordinary Owners who feel so excited that the Committee is willing to make such a valuable change to the Perpetuity conundrum).
Posts: 173
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

I am trying to understand why more Owners do not comment on issues on the Forum, particularly important issues and the only think I can deduce that this is such a cumbersome Website that Owners are unsure how to drill down into it to take part in subjects that they mmm at wish to read and comment on.
Who developed this Website, was it a Company as it's shocking! We never seen to get value for money from our Website Developers. I would say the 'unofficial' Rannoch web Forum for Owners developed by John Hurst years ago is still much more user friendly than this site.
Posts: 49
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:17 pm

First of all- apologies for not replying sooner. I had log-in problems.

I agree with everything Mr. Robertson has said even though I believe “In Perpetuity” is a toothless, paper tiger ( If management stick to the Constitution/Articles of Association, amongst other thinking!)

I am 76 years old and live on the east coast of England, about half way up. I undertake a 350 mile, 9 hour drive each way to visit LRHC. At the moment it ain't a problem but if I ever need to use public transport to get there and back then it's a BIG NO-NO! Trainline just quoted me £740 return for 2 people and a nearly 8 hour journey to Pitlochry. Arriving after the last bus, so overnight hotel. Not going to do that. Rannoch station would be just as onerous. £670 return, 3 changes and 9 hours each way. Let's get “In Perp” out of the way and then put ALL of our efforts into a “retirement” clause please.
Posts: 110
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:15 pm

We too, had problems with Logging In, but thanks to Gordon for sorting it quickly once he was made aware.
It's terrific that Members recognised what a great opportunity the Committee offered to us via the change to Perpetuity issue and voted it through at the AGM. This will be of great benefit to many people as they get older.
Thanks to everyone on the Committee and to Owners who voted for the Motion.
Posts: 110
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:15 pm

Good morning WADD003. We sympathise with your long journey from the South and totally understand. When we travel to Rannoch, we have mysteriously discovered that the journey seems to get longer each year, even though the car tells us that it's the same length! :) A few years ago we decided to break the journey in both directions, by staying overnight. We perused maps (yes, the old fashioned way) and found places midway, then found nearby Premier Inns. We always use them when travelling around because they're reasonably priced, clean, comfy, spacious, well furnished, have somewhere to eat and park nearby and are always the same wherever you stay. We treat the stays as part of our Rannoch holiday and have found some lovely parts of the country which we would not have discovered had we driven directly there. These may be worth considering as an alternative to paying inflated rail prices?
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