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Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Over the years when up at Rannoch I've strolled past Glenrannoch House and been shocked at the way Owners' hard earned money was squandered on this White Elephant by earlier Committees for accommodation to be used by staff from the EU, it has basically been turned into a Loch Rannoch slum with, at times, a giant flag draped from one window whilst other windows had half opened/closed curtains and the general air of abandonment. I feel so sorry for the neighbours but also angry that whilst Owners are having to financially bale out the Club, much needed cash is tied up in this property. I am not alone in reaching this conclusion, a few owners on the 'alternative' Forum came up with an interesting proposal that Glenrannoch House be sold and Apartments rented out at a realistic rent to staff requiring accommodation. With this in mind a Proposal has been put forward for the AGM, however such a sale would require 70% of Owners to vote in favour of it. I would ask you to give the matter some careful consideration and if you are in favour of it you vote accordingly rather than use the Proxy Voting System to ensure the vote is carried.
For further thought/dialogue on this matter log into the Alternative Forum.
Ronnie Robertson
Posts: 181
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Hi Ronnie,

On investigation of "audited accounts" from 2016/17 - 2019/20, Glenrannoch House contributed a total income of £1801. A very poor return.

From what I also believe, there has been pretty large amounts spend on the House which were accounted for as refurbishment costs on site. Those itemised costs are hard to break down as they have never been itemised.

I cannot recall exactly how much it cost to purchase the property, but i would think it would not be worth much more than the purchase price, but i will stand corrected once I see sight of a valuation.

No doubt there will be once again some grand plan for the property and from what i have heard, i am not convinced, but without a shadow of a doubt, the accounts show in that period it has been a "White Elephant".
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Dear Fellow Owner
On the agenda for the 2021 AGM, you will see a motion asking you to vote for the sale of Glenrannoch House.
I am hugely in support of this Motion, for the reasons I give below.
Glenrannoch House is our only proven substantial asset. It may be worth up to £400,000. It is used to provide accommodation for out-of town workers such as cleaners and maintenance staff.
The property was purchased at a time when the committee felt it had sufficient financial surplus to do so. We no longer have a financial surplus; in fact we are heavily in debt. The sale of Glenrannoch House could wipe out that debt.
We, like all the hospitality sites locally, are desperate for staff.
New staff are being attracted to local hotels and to the Club by the offer of perks such as accommodation etc.This has proved a partial success for us, with the importing of much needed outside labour, housed at Glenrannoch House. While there is still a need for such perks, we can accommodate these staff into the Apartment block on site and possibly offer some of the affected Owners in the Apartment block a move to better accommodation where necessary.

Desperate times need desperate measures and this radical move is the only short-term solution to our problems. The relief of this capital input would enable our fees to be used where you would want to see them used – for refurbishments and improvements, to work alongside the vastly improved facilities offered in conjunction with the newly resurrected Loch Rannoch Hotel.
The Motion needs 75% of us to vote in favour, otherwise it will fail.
Please vote to sell Glenrannoch House and let’s seize this opportunity to stabilise our finances and take the Club into an exciting new era.
Thank you.
PS - There are differing views on the sale of Glenrannoch House and the use of vacant units in the Apartment block for staff accommodation. However, it is heartening to see that our new Committee has given good, unbiased advice regarding the wording and presentation of the Motion(s). This sets a new standard of behaviour for all concerned and deserves to be recognised as the way forward.
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:15 pm

As you know I have proposed the sale of Glenrannoch House.  I have been a member since the happy times of Barrett ownership, at one time owning 3 lodges, we are now down to 2.

I am guilty like so many owners of not getting involved because apart from working in an office and being brought up to do my best I have little to no knowledge of meetings and committees.  However, I'm told I make up for lack of qualifications by having lots of common sense.

We ended up paying assignation fees to put our old units in and upgrading to part refurbished, not possible for everyone and it shouldn't be neccessary to go to that expense.

I'm hoping the sale of Glenrannoch House will enable the refurbishment programme to start again giving priority to:-

1. units never refurbished.

2. units part refurbished, and

3. the fully or most recently refurbished.

Starting in that order from 1. I suggest  using surrendered units and offering these to owners for holidays while their unit is FULLY refurbished; working through the site on a rolling refurbishment programme until all units are done.

I propose we aim for a very good standard of complete refurbishment instead of a very expensive part refurbishment.

As an example, at present units are a miss match of very expensive curtains, too big and heavy for the rails holding them.  They are in units with some shoddy outdated furniture which means they never achieve an excellent standard of refurbishment.

I propose that any supplier must declare any interest or connections with committee, staff or management at the club prior to their tender being submitted/accepted.

I really hope people realise I have nothing to gain from this having already exchanged our units - only bringing LRHC back to its former standard and being fair to ALL owners.

Please give the motions serious consideration

Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Hello Duncan

Your motives are never in doubt. I hope you are successful
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:15 pm

Hello Mrs Mallon,
Thank you, like you and I suspect the majority of owners we simply want to help the Committee and bring the Club back from the
brink. If the Club is on the verge of insolvency then we cannot afford to keep Glenrannoch House, our first priority needs to be the Club,
Posts: 181
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm


On my first view of accounts, and I will stand corrected if I am wrong as only looking at them via my phone, it would appear that there is losses on Glenrannoch House over the past 2 years of over £25, 500.
Would I be correct in this assumption?

Once I have the accounts printed I will look at in more detail, but it is apparent furlough was a great help to improve the finances and once again IT, accountantancy and professional fees were extortionate and will need more explanation.
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