On Line Member's documents

This forum is for polite and reasonable discussion of topics related to the Loch Rannoch Highland Club Annual General Meeting.

Information relating to the AGM will also be published to this forum.
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Posts: 49
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:17 pm

Hi All. Could someone point me in the direction of the on-line version of our Constitution please. Cheers, Fred
Posts: 49
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:17 pm

Given the deafening silence, I guess the answer is "NO" because it doesn't exist, yet we do have an "OPEN DOCUMENTS" section. Another resounding pat on the back for the new website/ committee. I doubt, very much, that any member has an up to date copy of the Constitution and, therefore , cannot say when, or if, anyone contravenes it.
Posts: 181
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Hi Fred,

The office should be able to email a copy of the constitution to you.
I have a copy saved on my laptop from previous forum
Posts: 49
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:17 pm

Thank You Stuart. That shouldn't be necessary. It should be on the website paid for out of my management fees!
Posts: 32
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

I totally agree Mr. Waddingham - the Club website is not being used to anything like its full potential by Committee.
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:15 pm

I don't think the committee should be blamed for this. Surely the GM should have made sure the constitution was available to members. Perhaps though the committee should have noticed it was not there!
Charlie Delaney
Posts: 49
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:17 pm

That does raise an interesting question.


GM. Runs the office and appoints his/her staff.
Committee. Appoints the GM
Professionals(solicitors, accountants etc.). Appointed by the committee.
Membership Appoints the committee.

The committee, generally speaking, is appointed each year by the membership. Most members would consider themselves unsuited to be on the committee due to geography, age, other commitments, qualifications and/or experience. Therefore a small number each year put their CV's onto a piece of Izal or reuse an envelope and then the rest of us take them at face value and give them a mandate to “MANAGE”. I venture to suggest that the vast majority of members never have, and never will, meet the committee.

So far, for the last 17 years or so, decisions made by the members have cost this club over £1,000,000 and reduced the club to a “nearly-ran” in the hospitality stakes. Those who made these decisions are now attempting to give away their erstwhile valued possessions. For heaven's sake, WAKE UP. APPOINT SOME REAL PROFESSIONALS. Before it's too late.

I have heard too often “ We are your committee. We are members too.”
Posts: 173
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Good evening Mr Waddingham,
Whilst I wholeheartedly support the present Committee for all they are doing to get the Club back in an even keel
Posts: 173
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Gosh how absolutely annoying, I've lost most of my post! Suffice to say I'm in total agreement with Mr Waddington, I've said for decades that the Club was being run by Committee after Committee of well meaning volunteers who unfortunately didn't have a clue about either running a Business or about the Hospitality Industry. The result being Court cases; White Elephant projects; irresponsible Contracts being signed off; an IT System that cost as much as that being installed in a City Bank! One Million pounds plus of owners money down the drain, it was as though Committee Members were playing a game of Monopoly using owners money.
We have a window of opportunity with the present Committee who consist of much more experienced Business owners whose aim is to get the Club back onto an even keel, but at some point they will step back as they can't possibly continue to work on LRHC to the neglect of their own Businesses and then what of LRHC? Yet another hopeless Committee taking over and wasting our Management Fees or can we gird our loins and 'think out of the box' and consider a professional Management Company?
Nick Pattie successfully managed LRHC on behalf of Barrett decades ago, when our Club won Hospitality Awards and was even a Gold Grade Time Share Resort during that halcyon period. Look how fast he has turned around the refurbishment of the Hotel during a Pandemic; can you imagine how fast he would have our Club's Refurbishment Programme completed? I doubt he would even consider managing the Club at present as LRHC is a Business liability until we get our Finances sorted but perhaps in the future we could open up a dialogue with him.
With Management of the Club via the Hotel this would reduce Club costs on Reception; Admin; Laundry; Cleaning staff etc as all could be provided by the Hotel's staff, with some of our locally based existing staff being employed by the Hotel, thus removing PAYE from the Club etc yet another saving.
One more disastrous Committee similar to previous Committees will be the end of LRHC and also the end of every single owner's peaceful week's holiday at Loch Rannoch, so I certainly support Mr Waddingham's suggestion.
Ronnie Robertson
Posts: 181
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Hi Ronnie,

I also would now support professional management as suggested by Fred and Ronnie and this is no criticism of the majority of present committee who have under extreme pressure and also what would appear, a lack of a true financial picture, done a pretty good job to steady the ship.
Their efforts have been herculean in this time.

I never envisaged supporting this, but the last 7/ 8 years bar the last 9 months, it is something to seriously consider.

The cost savings over a 5- 10 year period could potentially be circa £1million through economies of scale and with this more consolidated approach, sales and marketing would also prosper benefiting the many.

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Now that the club is a limited company, you can get a copy of its 'memorandum and articles of association', which I think we used to call 'the constitution', easily from the Companies House website.

If the link below doesn't work, simply go to https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/companies-house, choose the Find company information option and, after hitting the Start now button on the next screen, search for Loch Rannoch Highland Club Limited. Once you reach that page, choose the Filing history tab and amongst the links that brings up you'll find one to the memorandum and articles dated 16 Jun 2021.

The link https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/SC640740/filing-history

Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

I did wonder how long it would take for the idea of combining the management of the Club with the Loch Rannoch Hotel to be floated. Local residents have been telling me since the return of Mr Pattie that this was inevitable, but the source of the rumour is unclear.
While there would be obvious advantages in terms of efficiency and economies of scale if the Club and Hotel were in common ownership, that is not currently the case.
To offer the management of the Club to Mr Pattie and his consortium would create a clear conflict of interest. There are situations where the Club and the Hotel need separate, strong willed and determined representation. Otherwise one will take advantage of the other according to the bias of the common managers, particularly if they have a heavy financial investment in one or the other.
Do we want to return to the days of having the Club and Hotel under the same management, ie. the days of MacDonalds by another name? We still do not know who actually owns the accommodation units and the land on which they are built, so perhaps we are already nearer to that position than we know.
If we want to see the Club managed by a professional management company, paid for out of improvements and efficiencies introduced by that company, we need to decide on that course and put the matter out to tender. There would be no obligation to accept any tender received. Indeed, the hotel consortium might itself submit a tender. Comparisons with the days of TMSL and the fiasco which lead to our paying a small fortune in compensation are inevitable, but irrelevant to the present situation.
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

I did wonder how long it would take for the idea of combining the management of the Club with the Loch Rannoch Hotel to be floated. Local residents have been telling me since the return of Mr Pattie that this was inevitable, but the source of the rumour is unclear.
While there would be obvious advantages in terms of efficiency and economies of scale if the Club and Hotel were in common ownership, that is not currently the case.
To offer the management of the Club to Mr Pattie and his consortium would create a clear conflict of interest. There are situations where the Club and the Hotel need separate, strong willed and determined representation. Otherwise one will take advantage of the other according to the bias of the common managers, particularly if they have a heavy financial investment in one or the other.
Do we want to return to the days of having the Club and Hotel under the same management, ie. the days of MacDonalds by another name? We still do not know who actually owns the accommodation units and the land on which they are built, so perhaps we are already nearer to that position than we know.
If we want to see the Club managed by a professional management company, paid for out of improvements and efficiencies introduced by that company, we need to decide on that course and put the matter out to tender. There would be no obligation to accept any tender received. Indeed, the hotel consortium might itself submit a tender. Comparisons with the days of TMSL and the fiasco which lead to our paying a small fortune in compensation are inevitable, but irrelevant to the present situation.
Posts: 32
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Could someone please point me in the right direction for the on-line version of the motions and proposals for our 2022 AGM - thanks
Site Admin
Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Dec 07, 2021 10:57 am

Dear TAYL013,

Please follow the link below:

https://mcusercontent.com/3b4393ac3ceac ... t_2022.pdf

Best wishes,

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