How strange!!

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Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

The first time I have ever posted my opinion on the forum, and I feel that I am being treated as an idiot. I maybe have been a little critical of a decision made by the committee, by pointing out that they may have overlooked fairness in their decision over the pricing of the leisure facilities. Maybe this is a coincidence, but I have received an email, just a few hours after making the post advising that I must query any charges at least 48 hours prior to arrival.
I would just like to point out that I have not refused to pay the charge. I merely pointed out that the charge should be per head, depending upon the number of beds are in each unit, and not a flat rate. Effectively meaning that those owners of the units that sleep 8 pay the same as the units that sleep 2. In my post I never said that I will not pay the charge, but I feel that maybe the committee should have put a bit more thought into their thinking over this.
Or maybe the majority of the committee own the larger units and are actually self serving rather than representing all owners???
Posts: 181
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

I think you may find it is possibly just a coincidence this email arrived. I received it too and I would think every other owner would.

There is nothing wrong at all in offering an opinion or to offer criticism. Sometimes it is the only way for a voice to be heard and because of quite a few concerned voices over the last few years changes are happening which may not be to everyone's liking, including mine, but for the club to prosper, I am not against paying, similar to you.

On your other point unfortunately I would have to disagree as I believe per unit is the fairest way to charge for facilities. You could have someone in an 8 sleeper not using, but 2 people in studios using every day.
I may not use facilities, but I would pay for others to enjoy their break here if it helps.
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

In principle I do not object to the standard per lodge charge, however i do object to it being sprung on everyone. I think that the rise in fees and addition of leisure facility fees should have been announced to all the owners prior to the invoices coming out. I have to say that as a slight aside, i am finding the generic letters from 'The Committee' quite offensive. Whilst I appreciate that some members may not be paying their fees or whatever other issues seem to be occurring at the moment, I would prefer to be addressed directly and privately should the need arise ( I do pay my fees !!)
I am however in this beautiful place for the next week - so happy holibobs to me
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