What was the outcome of the voting?

This forum is for polite and reasonable discussion of topics related to the Loch Rannoch Highland Club Annual General Meeting.

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Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:15 pm

Sorry to say I missed the beginning of the meeting & therefore do not know how the various votes went. I would appreciate tif someone could let me (& others who didn't catch the meeting) how these votes went. Thank you
Posts: 22
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I jotted these down, apologies if any of the numbers are wrong

Motion 1
174 for, 64 against

Motion 2
173 for, 84 against

Motion 3
150 for, 108 against

Motion 4
123 for, 137 against

Motion 5
172 for, 81 against

Motion 6
101 for, 144 against

Motion 7
203 for, I missed the against number but it was carried

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Thank you
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Thank you
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very interesting voting.
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I also noted the resolution results and thought the last one was 263 for and 4 against.
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As a club we have to encourage the ownership to vote whether they attend an AGM or not.

It would appear that less than 10% of the ownership have voted which is unfortunately a sad indictment of the current situation and how committees have run the club over the past 7 years.
Transparency now becomes a prerequisite and after hearing Keith on the zoom AGM i have some faith that this may happen.
Problem was though I felt the explanation on accounts was poor and well practiced and still gave very little substance other than a list of costs, and they have still not been signed off as yet.
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Thanks, I had scribbled a 4 but wasn't convinced I hadn't got it right!
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I have seen some people saying they didn't get the AGM email until they chased for it, so they didn't get it until after the 12th March, which was the closing date for submitting votes. This could account for a few missing votes.

I didn't actually read the paperwork until a few days before the AGM as i was tied up with a family bereavement, and I hadn't realised the submission date was the 12th until I read the resolution paperwork, so I missed the chance. Obviously that was my own fault but in future it might be helpful if the AGM pack highlighted on the front page that actions are needed by a specific date.
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We have owned at LRHC for over 20 years and have never experienced any delay in receiving AGM documentation, so sorry to hear that some haven't had the same experience.

For future reference: There is a time limit for submitting a resolution to be voted on at the AGM, if there is something you feel should be proposed I would suggest that getting in early is a good idea. Once you have owned for a while you know that there are always resolutions that need a prompt response once the AGM pack lands in your inbox.

Of course the important thing is to keep your email address up to date, hopefully not too many people are reliant on receiving paper copies that must surely cost us as owners, I prefer to keep costs under control and therefore our maintenance fees affordable!

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Good morning to everyone. Voting has been low for several years now, but we have to be realistic: most people vote on something if they feel strongly about it, whether it's LRHC related or something else. If they're satisfied with what is already happening, are tied up with Covid or other issues (our condolences to Mrs McLuckie on your bereavement) or just disinterested, they won't vote. Who was elected onto the Committee please? We weren't able to participate in the AGM despite being very interested!
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New Committee members were confirmed as Ron Benson, John Hirst and Maureen Morton, who will serve for 3 years. Raymond Thomson withdrew, and there are still vacancies on the committee.

The AGM recording is available and I'd urge everyone to view it. Lots of positive news, particularly about the hotel and facilities.
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Is there going to be a transcript of the proceedings?
Posts: 26
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Thanks for tellling us that there is a recording - do you have a link to it?

I am sort of worried that this forum, the official AGM forum doesn't have anything yet.

Posts: 22
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Sorry my mistake, the link will be posted shortly according to a comment on the unofficial forum yesterday, I'd misread it and thought it was already up.
Posts: 26
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No problem.

It would be nice if the Club used this website in more useful ways instead of individual emails only. Both seem to have their place, but is it not possible to maintain this website?

Maybe resolution 1 being passed could mean that the Club contracts a much more active Webmaster.
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Thanks to Mrs. McLuckie for the information about who was elected to the Committee. We'll now look forward to receiving more about the AGM by email. We often receive emails on Fridays, so may get something over the weekend. Best wishes to all and crossing fingers for an easing of Lockdown and reopening of LRHC as soon as possible.
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