AGM paperwork

This forum is for polite and reasonable discussion of topics related to the Loch Rannoch Highland Club Annual General Meeting.

Information relating to the AGM will also be published to this forum.
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Posts: 181
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Hi all,

Have you had your AGM PACK?

Posts: 26
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The pack was in the club email and looks complete as well as having all working links.

Was there a reason the pack was not put in the AGM documents areas of this forum? It is not a problem, but that would have been my expected place to find it. It would have had the added advantage of introducing all members with email to the site and perhaps promoted early discussion.

Posts: 181
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I agree having the paperwork in the documents section would have been considered the proper process and would have prompted discussion especially on the rebuttal which appears far fetched and the imaginative accounts.
Posts: 173
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I agree that having additional time to discuss some of the Resolutions on the Forum with other owners would be useful and assists any owners seeking clarification on particular points well in advance of the AGM. On the positive side, we are finally getting an AGM which is great news!.

In respect of the Resolution on the removal of past Committee Members, I am once again disappointed by our Club Secretary, particularly as she has chosen to attach a somewhat sanitised narrative on the debacle that was the 2019/20 state of play at LRHC rather than admit that our Club had not been managed as owners had assumed it to be. A written apology to owners and a swift dignified exit from the Committee would have been the better option.

I look forward to a fresh start with a new and much more Professional Committee at the helm steering LRHC into a new exciting future!.

Posts: 3
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Hello everyone.
I am new to communicating on the website.
I do not think I have received the AGM documents in the club email. Is that the same as the newsletter?
Posts: 22
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Hi Jane
The email was a separate one from the recent newsletter. It was dated 28 Feb, headed AGM paperwork. You might be best contacting the office in case they have the wrong email address for you?
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Thank you for this information. I have checked all emails for that date but unfortunately I have not received it so I have contacted the office once more. Julie is very helpful and passes my requests forward.
I am having alot of difficulty obtaining information and no doubt this may have something to do with the pandemic. With persistence I am pleased that I am beginning to make headway.
I do worry that many members will have had similar problems and have given up by now. When such alot has happened to the club recently I think that is a shame.

Posts: 181
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Hi Jane,

I was in the same position as yourself and on 01/03/2021 I advised the office of no receipt and within the space of an hour I had it sent to the email address which the Club had on record.
It had not been unusual- not a Tom Jones song, to be ignored on previous club correspondence in previous year, but i thought it had been rectified until no AGM paperwork.

It will be interesting to know exactly how many owners have had the pack sent by email or post. I assume too, our so called IT expert would know exactly who will open emails on receipt and this will be collated on a spreadsheet.
Sending by email should hopefully encourage more owners to respond and will be a good measure for future AGM's.
Posts: 3
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Indeed I have received the paperwork within half an hour. It would be good to know how many members have been sent the details. I get the impression that the post is not being used but if an email address needs to be registered then everyone needs to be contacted to let them know that is so.
A virtual AGM could mean that many more members could take part or at least be present.
Posts: 181
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The AGM pack should be on this very forum for transparency and to ensure owners have a chance to see if they are registered.
I would email the office and ask them how many members have been sent by email and by post. That should be an easy answer.

If less than 1000 owners participate in this AGM by online voting or post and bear in mind we have at least 3000 owners it shows the size of the task in hand to encourage a more expansive communication channel for the future.
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I received a paper copy but no email link. Has everybody got the zoom details to join the AGM or is this coming separately.
Posts: 181
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I believe the instructions for the zoom AGM should be arriving 7 days prior which should be tomorrow.
Posts: 32
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Has any member received instructions regarding registration for the Zoom AGM/? I haven't and I believe it is scheduled for this coming Sunday!

Ian Taylor
Posts: 181
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I have had absolutely nothing, but to be honest I am not surprised.
Posts: 22
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Just arrived by email today

Jeanette Wilson
Posts: 32
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Only NOW we are told that all questions whether relating to accounts or any other matter have to be submillted by email to specific email addresses and only giving us a very few days to address our concerns. Why is the Committee acting in this way?

Ian Taylor
Posts: 181
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So has mine.
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I got mine yesterday too.

The one thing I would say to owners is to ask questions especially those owners who have for logistical reasons not been able to attend AGM’s in previous years.

There is plenty reasons to ask questions on the motions and even more so on the accounts.

I would also like to say that I called the office on Monday as I had not received the email and spoke to the new GM, Keith. I found him most helpful and I hope given all the negative publicity around the club, he is given a chance to succeed by staff, committee and owners in what is a turnaround scenario to restore the club to what it should be.
None of the issues are of his making.

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Good morning to everyone, we hope that you're well and have had at least one Covid vaccination? We have also received our AGM and Zoom emails, which is great. It's good to hear that our new GM Keith was so helpful to you Stuart. We agree that he should now be given the opportunity to succeed as you describe, so that the Staff, Committee and Owners can pull together to make LRHC great. However we do believe that the Secretary, who was the only constant factor during this difficult period and Lockdown should also be given the chance to prove herself. She travelled to Rannoch and stayed to support Bobby and the transient Committee Members, dealt with day to day and Lockdown challenges and basically kept things going. That takes a very strong person to undertake and face that in a Pandemic. Like our new GM, not all of the issues were of her making: she was one person/voice on the Committee. If we can retain the current Committee Members, plus utilise the skills of whoever may be elected at the AGM, it will give them chance to use the knowledge and understanding of the current Secretary. Surely we need continuity, not more upheaval and antagonism? We all have a strong and vibrant LRHC at heart and with a new GM, the fantastic development of the Hotel and the proposals detailed in the latest Newsletter, we still believe that with a united Committee working for the Club the future is looking positive. Ms Sturgeon's announcement yesterday showed signs of Scotland opening up again and gives the Committee and Staff time to start preparing for reopening behind the scenes - let's cross our fingers, that more Owners can enjoy LRHC this year!
Posts: 181
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"constant factor" is an excellent choice of words.
Posts: 4
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we received our paperwork exactly as promised by email. We haven't encountered any issues with receiving documents by email for years.
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