Exit strategy

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Further to my rent post reference what if any exist strategy exists for the LRHC ?
I believe that the reluctance of the club to agree to convert existing Holiday Certificates to a fixed period certificate would be misguided. Many owners are anxious that they have an in-perpetuity agreement and are now unable to use or sell their time share weeks and potentially are leaving their relatives to pick up the pieces when they pass on.
By allowing owners to convert their in perpetuity agreement to a fixed term agreement ( say 5 years) for a fee equal to a number of years fees, would not only overcome this but also stimulate the market for the LHRC lodge sales both by the club and by individual owners . I believe that the biggest blocker to selling or transferring ownership of the time share is not the annual fees but the entering into an in perpetuity agreement.
Have other owners any views with respect to this?
Mike Wiggins
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Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:17 pm

Further to the recent news letter and other communications are we to understand that a new exit strategy will be proposed at the next AGM ?
Posts: 26
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:15 pm

Good morning, the committee is working to find suitable exit strategies but as I sure you will appreciate whatever we come up with has to work not only for Owners but for the Club as well. Hopefully we will be able to present a suitable policy at the AGM. Regards, Ron Benson
Posts: 26
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I understand why you say that it has to work for the Club, but the constitution and sales model used to sell to most owners is now illegal in most of the world. If the product and management is good enough there is nothing to fear by letting us exit with a short notice period. The "ultimate sanction" of selling our weeks if we don't pay has never even been tried because you can't give this stuff away.

Once again, and with all due respect to the new commmittee and owners who want to stay paying I cannot help but feel this is an enterprise which only survives from enforced subscriptions rather any real business plan. If you can't make it attractive enough to be wanted then let us leave with the minimum notice.

Once again I refer to the Newsletter of last year which stated clearly that a 5 year bond would be issued to those wishing to end the in perpetuity arrangement. My hope is that this is the worst case exit-scenario.

I believe that, for instance, parts of the hotel are build on ground which was to the West of the original Loch Rannoch Hotel and is therefore owned by the Club. If there is really a wish to get all of this right, start there. It has been in trust to the Bank of Scotland since 1976 and cannot have ever been sold. Certainly the 1938 documentation which describes the area and which has been updated as changes took place shows nothing which legitimises the Hotel using the land. Using the law to force us all to pay into subsidising the Club, while not managing the estate boundaries or having trustees willing to is not right. Deed references dated October 1894, November 1938, August 1977 and June 1978 seem quite clear.

If nobody can prove what is owned and by whom why are we doing this at all?
Posts: 26
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:15 pm

Good morning Willis, as stated in the January newsletter your new committee has been discussing various exit strategies that will enable Owners to leave the club and after much debate we are close to a strategy that will be presented to all at the AGM. We have also been working on ways to improve facilities at the Club which should not only make Loch Rannoch a more enjoyable place to stay and holiday but will also make it more attractive for new buyers of weeks. With regards to the land issue, that is being investigated, but as I am not directly involved I cannot comment at present. I hope that once the Club has re-opened and you are able to visit again you will have a much more enjoyable stay. Please bear with us, your new committee is working hard to improve things and remember, we are owners too. Regards, Ron Benson
Posts: 26
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I think we all feel that the new committee is working hard and it would be good to think that the problem of the in-perpetuity section of the Holiday Certificates can be removed.

As we approach the AGM could I ask that a few clues as to the proposed strategy are put out to allow a feel for them to be assessed? One of the problems I have witnessed in my professional world is the "high end restaurant using cloches effect" where without previous interaction with the consumer a silver cover is held on a presentation until it is too late to complain or react as the "Ta-da!" moment arrives

I would like to suggest that prior to a few minutes discussion at the AGM where a binding vote is taken or motions are presented at the notice-point for the AGM some ideas are presented within this password-protected forum. Work is obviously being put into a concept, but so far we have no idea what it is or if there are several options within it.

Sorry if this feels like driving the discussion down the exit path rather than the repair and fix route, but in all candour we have really not seen great value in our trips to Rannoch for about 20 years.

I hope that all we hear is good.
Posts: 26
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:15 pm

Good afternoon Willis, we are planning to inform owners prior to the AGM as you suggest but at present we are trying to ensure that we have everything in place rather than posting something then having to do add-ons. Regards, Ron Benson
Posts: 1
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I very much look firward to receiving this information soonest. Kind regards and keep up the good work.

Posts: 17
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Ron has explained well what we are currently doing.

For years Owners (including myself) have sought a legal route for an exit. So far we have been unsuccesful. But the Committee believes that the way out of perpetuity is by a commercial route, in other words create a Club where Owners want to spend their money and have a good holiday rather than have to spend their money because they have no choice.

We are going to make exit easier than it is at the moment, it won't be simply hand back your lodge and leave but will be better than the present system.This will take the form of a Constitution / Articles of Association change which will require a 75% vote in favour. This will come out in the AGM Pack at the end of February.

But we are also taking considerable steps to make Owners want to stay with the Club and our Chairman, Norman, will outline these to all.

As to the mention of the land, this discusssion has gone on for years without conclusion. For my sins your Committee has asked me to investigate the matter and report back. I am finding it one of the most difficult projects I have ever undertaken but am determined to complete it, although it will not be by the AGM. I have heard so many different stories from the "Club owns nost of the land" to "the hotel owns everything". If anyone has any hard facts on the matter then I would be delighted to hear from them.

In the meantime, please don't miss the virtual AGM and continute to support your Club. We are committed to doing whatever we can.

Regards, John

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