What happens next?

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As we have read, a former Chairman has resigned, we have had no accounts published and there has been no AGM this year. Each of these things has been bad news, but the loss of our magnificent maintenance teams probably crowns these items as some of the worst news we could have had. The very fabric of our holiday accommodation and the life of the village of Kinloch Rannoch has been put at stake by bad management.

There is another website - lochrannochhighlandclub.net - set up to allow members who knew about it to communicate so joining that may be something to consider, but IMHO we need a far better way forward.

We find this is all very frustrating, as my husband and I keep saying.

He worked as a product manager for a division of an American company in charge of a $60,000,000 revenue stream and was held responsible for on-time delivery as well as an engineering team which made the products. Working remotely with a Californian office was a breeze compared to this.

This total lack of commercial management, oversight or even stated goals is something which would have had him and most of the division fired inside a month.

All that is ever asked for is 100% delivery. Though everyone has a different 100% we really have not seen that from those saying they ran the club.

We need to get into serious talks with our maintenance teams, if they or their unions will agree, and get the fabric of the investment secured. Ideally we can ask them to agree to minimise their financial claims, which we can guess are deserved, but could be crippling.

We need a visible set of goals to be set out as both a provisional way to instantly reset the situation and then for the next 5-10 years with costings, performance expectations and KPI (Key Performance Indicators) to keep things on track.

Finally, there seems to be a growing audience on this, the official website, so keeping everyone up-to-date should be a higher priority. There is a "Documents" section and an "Announcements" forum, someone should be tasked with getting them loaded with unbiased, businesslike information which will rebuild a connection between us all, whether owners or staff.

Recriminations help no-one and we own a magnificent product between us.
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I have been an owner at Loch Rannoch Highland Club for close to, or longer, 15 years. I purchased when the members had recently taken over management from the previous management club.

I absolutely adore my property and am so grateful each time I can come to Loch Rannoch. Considering I am American, I can't come every year. I did live in England for 2 years and was able to visit more often, which was so fortunate. During that time I was able to attend 2 AGM, which isn't possible when I am living in the States, as I am again now.

I've been an owner through the last many upheavals. After the last AGM I hoped that it would be a good change for the Club. But manny of the owners are very long-term owners, take great pride in that position and have strong opinions about where the Club should be headed. It does seem, viewing it from the outside, there is a core group than are determined the Club will run according to their desires and none else.

Let me say something I'm sure many other owners are thinking. I don't think the members have the ability to run this club via committee and I am sick of this ridiculousness. Fed up. Disgusted. Want it to END!

So I completely agree with with Mr. Hunter's resignation letter, "I now believe that the only way the club can have any sort of future is for the running of the club to be handed over to a management company with NO committee of members involved."

After all these years of bickering, fighting, juggling for positions, refusals to compromise - or, it seems like, even talk, I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS CLUB CAN BE RUN BY COMMITTEE PULLED FROM OUR MEMBERSHIP. Goodness, this is so acrimonious I feel our president must be sitting on the committee. Some of you may think he's a fine person, I don't, and anyone that likes him must acknowledge his inability to work with almost anyone.

Okay, folks, let's throw out the sandbox with the kids throwing sand at each other. Let's do something different because this hasn't worked for at least 15 years.

I don't know how to officially do things through committee, and being in the States, I can't attend anything but I hope we will start a conversation to finally end this management that IS NOT working.

Brenda Rawson
Red Deer 2, Week 22

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Covid vaccinations are taking place and things are looking more positive, although we're saddened that some Owners may have lost family and friends. The new LRHC looks fresh, modern and is easy to navigate and as Covid restrictions ease, our Club will open again. The Committee and limited staff have worked hard to mothball, reopen, then close our Lodges, whilst trying to move Incorporation, refurbishment and other issues forward. They've given freely of their time, whilst dealing with the impact of Lockdowns not only on LRHC, but on their own personal circumstances. We're therefore so disappointed to see proposed AGM Motions posted: Remove Committee Members, Sell the LRHC for a pittance to the Hotel Consortium, Put a Management Company in place - why? We're hopefully emerging from a Pandemic, the Committee have done a great job of seeing the Club through it and Lodges are being refurbished on a rolling Programme, but a few Owners want to give LRHC away to a Hotel Consortium or Management Company who will raise Management Fees, not prioritise the Club in their own Plans and Owners will lose democratic voting on development of our wonderful Resort? This seems like mischief making with questionable motives which could damage LRHC and take us back to the 'bad old days' when fees rise and Lodges deteriorate? Surely we should focus on how much the new Committee has achieved in a short space of time and how much more they'll achieve when Covid restrictions ease and our great Club reopens? Please give them a chance. The Hotel and Marina will prove assets for LRHC and we can work alongside the Consortium to the benefit of everyone. Apologies for the length of this, but we love our Lodge and Rannoch. Please let the Committee demonstrate what they can achieve after Covid. Thank you.
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Can I ask when you were advised of these motions, as we have once again not received anything. This is the third time important information has been apparently issued but some people have not received it.
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It's the last few emails from the club that have started the conversation. No motions involved.

Although I personally think someone, somehow should seriously suggest we go to a professional management company. I firmly believe, after watching all the hate mongering amongst and from members and committee members, that this has gone on long enough.

I dread opening my emails from the club because 8 times out of 10 it's the horrid news of this one did that to the other one and now we've got two people quit but the ones that want control get it back and keep it again.

Apparently it's a small group of people that are causing all of the hate and discontent and, personally, I wish they would go climb some Monroes or find some TV show that keeps them occupied and out of all the club business. I know I've heard about "the small group' for years.

Small group, I'm tired of all of this.

Let's get an objective management company.
Posts: 22
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Motions are in the documents of the owners section

Jeanette Wilson
Posts: 22
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Thanks Jeanette, I hadn't realised there were docs already there for 2020.
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No problem,

I just found them by chance myself yesterday when I was having s look around the new website

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Hi all,

1st off - thanks to those that have responded agreeing with\supporting me, I did not want to stand down but my position simply became impossible to continue with due to the constant harassment and intimidation of a small minority of members.

I have been called a liar for simply providing my viewpoint on what was happening at the club by individuals who at NO point attempted to contact me or the club. Additionally I was advised by the Courier, whom I spoke to after my resignation, that the source was asked if they had contacted the club, the response I don’t know how to!! This source also was aware of the data breach and failed to report it to the club immediately – instead, sat on it and reported it at a time of THEIR choosing to the courier, who in turn reported it the club.

I fully agree with Mr. & Mrs. Atkinsons points. The only point I would disagree on is this “Surely we should focus on how much the new Committee has achieved in a short space of time and how much more they’ll achieve when Covid restrictions ease and our great Club reopens” – I do hope that they don’t mean the committee currently in place but the 1 that I was chair of, as I am convinced that some on the current committee have questionable motives which WILL damage LRHC and take us back to the ‘bad old days’ when fees rise and Lodges deteriorate (this is already happening as you will read further down).

I am afraid that I now believe that the club has, once again, fallen into the hands of a someone who is not in it for the club’s benefit but his own (I have heard rumors from site that the local trades are now fearful that his plan is to, ultimately, replace these locals with his own men – thus taking work & money out of the area) and is being supported by a small minority of narcissistic, morally corrupt members who are unwilling to accept different viewpoints or accept perfectly reasonable forum rules – instead choosing to engage in character assassination, harassment & intimidation of other members whose views do not match their own, certainly a very sad day indeed for a club with so much potential.

I am additionally concerned that this forum will descend into a poisonous, toxic, nest of trolls who can post what they like without fear of repercussions. I raised concerns on the Wednesday 9th about inappropriate posts, that breach forum rules, to date nothing has been done.

Brenda – to do things through the committee your best option is to use the contact page on the website or e-mail administration@lrhclub.co.uk, the office were very good at passing on any messages to me when I was chair, but I would advise that any reply you get from the chair be taken with a pinch of salt as he is cut very much from the same cloth as his supporters. Part of my plan for AGM’s going forward was to have a hybrid event – part physical, part virtual so that members such as yourself would be able to engage more with the club if you wished – will this still happen??? I do not know but hope it does as this would only be of benefit to the club & members.

I can only hope that some drastic measure is implemented very soon otherwise our club will continue to carry on lurching from 1 car crash to another that will mean it never reaches its full potential.

Cliff Hunter
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Sorry that we didn't get back to you to reply about where we'd seen the proposed AGM Motions - we don't visit the Forum every day. As Mr. Mrs. Wilson say, they are in the Owners Documents Section. Can anyone tell us who Ann is, who is referred to in another Post, as 'having a UKRE development proposal'? Does anyone know what the Proposal is please? I twice attempted to join the non-official Forum when this one was in development, to see what was happening, but my application was apparently blocked, because I didn't receive any acknowledgement. May we assume that the UKRE Proposal was aired on there? Thanks.
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Ann is owner of UKRE Ltd and 1 of the small minority of narcissistic, morally corrupt members supporting the current chair and who was instrumental in the campaign that made me have to no choice but to walk away from the committee & club, she is also (I believe) the Couriers source.

Any “development proposal” she submits\proposes will NOT be of benefit to the club or members, as she has her own agenda, and should be treated with the utmost caution & suspicion.

I would strongly advise against any involvement in the unofficial forum – as all you will get is a 1-sided, fake news, idea of what is happening in the club. Your best option is to stick with the official forum – where you should get an unbiased idea (but I would say that this is becoming increasingly unlikely with the current regime now in place).

Cliff Hunter
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would UKRE like to answer the question i asked on her wed site (do u have public liability insurance as a third-party Sublette agency
and insurance to cover the week banked with UKRE) THE gossan is ann amd norman or girlfriend boy friend
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Mr David & Julie Sloane- Bulgar - You really don't come across very well on here with the content of your posts. What does that last post even mean? Surely capital letters and correct spelling isn't too much to ask for from someone who previously represented the Club.
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yep that's true like all the rubbish been put on here about Julie mmm don't read anything about the new temp gm living on site free and been paid

so Julie work all here holiday leave . gave our loge up for a family to get a holiday , twice this year .. the last think Julie did was to move in to the staff house and paid for the accommodation and utility yes one room shared bath room and kitchen..

it was the committee that asked and offed Julie the roll to do procedures and policy .. also to investigate staff complaints /
yes out side cleaners helped but that was after the staff said they could not cope with the demand ..
yes the staff contacted the union for help .. Julie welcomed that .. the new gm promotes and gives pay rise with a out standing complaint . did not advertise the jobs internally .( paramount to union rule) WOOPS . Discrimination

ow and on Friday Martin the acting gm phone Julie to ask her to stay on and with draw the notice given ...
so she as made such a devastating mess and up set the staff by been open

so I am David yep spelling is not my best thing in the world

so to them that think they now all of the facts print the evidence on here
ask the club secretary to provide the recordings of meetings or the hard copses of the meetings ( Julie can )
he said she said is not facts

thousands lost jobs and others will too, nothing in this world, is safe at this time,

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To: Mr David & Julie Sloane-Bulger

You partly stated in your post on “What happens next?” Forum on December 12, 2020 at 2:43 pm, and I quote:

“.....THE NEW comittee have on previse requested a bank loan and the selling of the staff accommodations to raise 2 million pounds for upgrades.....”

This is very worrying news and I should appreciate if you can confirm that this statement is in fact correct and provide details of where you got this information from, as I have confirmation from a very reliable source that there is absolutely no truth in that comment.
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ow IS IT mmm minutes of meeting may read different

you like to use fake news a lot like dish it out

the thinks u say about Julie and others you been asked for the prof
whats good for one is good for the other

is the new chair not in the refurbishment work so is staff will be doing the refurbs and other work
the contractors doing the work now will not get contracts ..

our is he standing to one side and not having anything to do with it

so what is it to be we believe what u and your not the forum subcommittee say or the true evidence

i put my name to my words and speak for my self

can you put the names of them feeding u the information ..
if u dont like the way things our run put you name forward for the committee ..
no one is perfect like u
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What on earth are you blethering about?
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