Why no AGM?

This forum is for polite and reasonable discussion of topics related to the Loch Rannoch Highland Club Annual General Meeting.

Information relating to the AGM will also be published to this forum.
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I am concerned that no AGM has been held this year, nor any accounts produced. COVID is no excuse as all other organisations I am involved in have held AGMs with greater participation via VC. I have had a terrible time this year with the club and committee members who were condescending and difficult. We must get things into order. Can someone please take the initiative.
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You are totally correct, Covid is not an excuse as a Zoom AGM could have been set up and Accounts should have been sent out to ALL Owners. You are not alone in saying that you have attempted to receive answers from the Club and Committee Members, hundreds of other owners have had exactly the same difficulties, whilst other owners swallowed Mr Hunter and the rest of this Committees lies, hook line and sinker, the really concerning thing is, that many still do! Meanwhile LRHC staff and local residents of Kinloch Rannoch were treated like Serfs of Mrs Sloan Bulgar/Mr Hunters little fiefdom, anyone who voiced an opinion or tried to alert owners was sacked and lies spread about the sacking which led to some former employees having to threaten Mr Hunter with Defamation proceedings. Yes this Committee has brought the Club down to this sad sorry state and made it the laughing stock of the Time Share Industry. Yet still some Owners believe this Committee can do no wrong .... what will it take, the clang of the final nail being driven into the Club`s coffin lid?
For a better understanding of matters may I suggest that you go on to the Alternative Owners Forum lochrannochhighlandclub.net initially started by Owners to try and find out from each other what exactly was happening up at LRHC when Cliff Hunter took this Forum down thus preventing Owners from communicating with each other. Owners; Staff and local Residents ALL posted on this Forum attempting to make Owners aware of the terrible predicament they were in up at Rannoch. As an owner of over 40 years I feel we ALL have a duty to sort this mess out and STOP sticking our heads in the sand!
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Mr Robinson under the rules of this forum it mention any lies will not be acceptable. So please stop spreading lies about staff being sacked and why. You are bringing unhealthy messages from another media to this forum for the purpose to insight and harass and bully people without them defending themselves.
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That's twice you've got his name wrong. Where's the respect that you keep requesting. When you were chairman I sent you a very polite email and never received even an acknowledgement. Respect???
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Mr Robertson can answer for himself.
How do you know I received your email?
How do you know it was sent on to me?
Respect works both ways
But have you ever got someone's name wrong ever ? Is it really a major crime or just a mistake we all can make. Another example of bullying
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This was the email address I received directly from admin:- jsb@lrhclub.co.uk. On the day Cliff announced his chairmanship I sent him a copy of the message to this address:- cliff.hunter@lrhclub.co.uk and he replied the same day. We then had several contacts on the same topic which was EV charging points at LRHC.
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As an owner I am rather perturbed to read about these "lies" in the PRESS never mind on a private forum!


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Your point is?
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Mr Waddingham the email address was correct but on advice received from our IT support this address had possibly been hacked
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I had serious doubts about some of the rumours circulating with regard to your conduct in relation to staff management and other issues however, these were dispelled immediately on reading your rude and high handed response to Mr Stirling and Mr Waddington’s perfectly reasonable and legitimate comments. Said response shows clearly that you are unfit to engage in any productive or meaningful way with others and I for one am delighted you no longer serve on the Committee or in any other capacity at the Club.
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I had serious doubts about some of the rumours circulating with regard to your conduct in relation to staff management and other issues however, these were dispelled immediately on reading your rude and high handed responses to Mr Waddington and Mr Stirling’s perfectly reasonable and legitimate comments. Said response shows clearly that you are unfit to engage in any productive or meaningful way with others and I for one am delighted you no longer serve on the Committee or in any other capacity at the Club.
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An AGM via Zoom is a solution to the ongoing Covid precautions and indeed regulations in force. Since the start of lockdown Ive participated in a couple of Zoom meetings out of necessity and these went very well and are very easy to use for all involved, however the maximum number of participants was 32. Im not sure how this would pan out for a LRHC AGM where potentially there could be upwards of 2000 although more probably “ hundreds”. One aspect is that because there would be no need to physically travel, then a “ Zoom AGM”: might attract more attendees than a conventional AGM.
All speculation of course, but we will never know until its tried and the status quo of no AGM isn’t an option I feel
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Hi Ray,

A Zoom Video Webinar is perfectly feasible and thousands could attend. I believe you buy a years licence, quite pricey but probably no more than a physical meeting. It was suggested years ago that AGM'S should be live streamed but never happened. Many people can't attend and miss out each year.

Looks like things are moving on and things will get sorted soon. Check out the alternative Forum if you haven't already.


Kind regards,
Posts: 26
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It is a condition specified in the Holiday Certificates we own that there is an AGM each year because the Constitution says so. It is not an optional requirement and as our own maintenance fees are also part of the constitution and are faithfully hounded out of us each year, there is a disconnect.

There can be no AGM this year as there is not enough time to announce it according to the constitution so can we take it that the whole constitution and contract is now suspended? The convoluted way we seem to be owners, not real owners, partners, but not able to manage anything is becoming ludicrous and it is almost impossible to see who any dealings with the club benefit.

Who is legally required to maintain anything? Who benefits from the fees? Who or what is our contract with as users? On whose authority is this continuing? It almost feels like we pay from tradition and make ourselves do it under a punishment scheme we all hate.

Can someone act to close this all down and let us free?

I truly hope so because the club is becoming a nightmare from which I want to wake and walk away. Each year!

The new committee seems to be acting to allow exits, but it could be that failures earlier in the year will force their hand.
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By law the club must hold an AGM, though there have been some relaxations this year on the timing and format. For example, 1,000s of businesses have run virtual AGMs this year, and seen much better turnout as a result. I've been involved in some via Microsoft Teams, which is free unlike Zoom, and does the job very well.

A new Chair might need time to settle in, but no doubt the AGM must be a top priority given the legal timelines for having one.
Posts: 79
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The latest newsletter states the AGM will happen on 21st March 2021.(via video conference)
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